User talk:RetardedCat47716

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Preset to my Mortal Coils story.

Achievement character human male.png

Dakota Vladmir -Dakota is a free willed and strong minded individual, as a young boy he lived with his brother Kaim outside of Stratholme, he knew little of his parents as they died when he was a young boy. As he aged and became a young man, his older brother Kaim Vladmir looked after him until one day when he was called into battle from Arthas himself. Kaim told his lover, Alexis, to take Dakota to a safe place, away from the destruction imminent in lordaeron. Confused and silent, Dakota was taken to Southshore where he lived for a little while, letters came from his brother who followed Arthas into Stratholme to cull the population and later into Northrend to kill Mal'Ganis. But the letters stopped soon after Kaim's venture into Northrend.

Dakota worked the fields of Alexis' farm until he was 16, His life was boring and drab. He wanted to be powerful and strong willed like his brother. As he neared age 17, one day a strange looking boat came to Southshore. The boat had no name, and glowed with odd symbols. Men came in and out of the boat day and night for two days, having little else to do Dakota watched what they loaded onto the boat. plenty of books, frills, magical items, and food, nothing new to him. As he looked at the glowing boat, he caught the stare of a girl two or three years younger than him, she had hair as black as the night, and eyes purple like shadowgem. She motioned for him to come aboard.