User talk:FuzzicalLogic/Maps/Rare Spawn Locations

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Regarding Information on Page and Accuracy

Many of the links go to old information on Wowpedia that does not necessarily pertain to the current information. Wowhead is more accurate, but still has some holes. I would LIKE to have a link to both, but this will ideally require a template (once we decide). Since the XP reward was static, I would like to include the xp reward is it stands for whatever we can get. FuzzicalLogic (talk) 01:07, 29 April 2011 (UTC)


I am editing the Introduction because these are not Rare Elites... They are Named Rares. The distinction is important. Most of your content here is extremely valuable, however, so we should keep the majority of it. Don't worry about the screenshots, as they are actually (mostly) provided by Wowhead, so we can link to them (and possibly their map). We do have to cite them somewhere in here.

On Second Thought

I like the table format better, so I think a blend between your tables and my info might be the best presentation for this information. FuzzicalLogic (talk) 15:23, 29 April 2011 (UTC)