User talk:ColeProtocol10660

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Welcome to WoWWiki! Hope you can help the community and vice versa (-:
If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them, or you could drop them at the reference desk (where I might answer them anyway)!
Just wanted to say welcome, and to encourage you to contribute!


Want to help? Join a team!

Also, if you are here to help the community as a whole (and not just edit an article or two that you noticed needed changing), then I suggest you check out the various community teams - we could always use some help! Find one that suits you and leave a message on it's join page!


Hey, thanks for updating the News page. I usually do it, but I'm glad someone else will do it also... --Fandyllic 1:27 PM PST 17 November 2005

  • A little late for this reply, but thanks for the thanks, and you're welcome! XD! I had noticed that it wasn't completely up-to-date with the official WoW site (understandable), and felt like helping out. I tried to match the format; I think I did successfully. One of my pet peeves is when people don't completely match my format on things like that (past wikis that I've maintained, etc.), so I hope it was right! --coleProtocol 7:51 PM PST 6 January 2006 <-- see, matched your format! XD