User talk:Ceks9238

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Millions of years ago the Titan Praxis shaped the world of Stygia into a paradise. He crafted a race that lived long lives and had an affinity for creation, which would later move to technological development. Little did the Titan know that in time this world will become the home for another being – one that existed soon after the very Order and Chaos of the universe began. None truly knew of its creation and purpose, aside from the fact that it enjoyed playing with mortal races, pitting them against each other just to entertain itself. The existence of the Puppeteer, as this entity was nicknamed, eventually resulted in the Burning Legion brutally assaulting it enough to make it pause in its machinations. Billions of demons have laid waste to the glorious cities of Stygia, while the Dark Titan himself unleashed all his powers against the Lord of Stygia. After a long battle Sargeras finally stood triuphant over the smoking remains of Puppeteer’s corporeal form. But the insurgent spirit of the ancient being only laughed at him, as even the Dark Lord of the Legion was powerless to cease its existence.

Stygia itself was drained of magic and left as a dead world. Sargeras continued with his quest for destruction and placed Mizrakh, one of his lieutenants, as the overlord of Stygia. Under his command, the corrupted Stygian survivors reincarnated their ancient civilization, developing advanced technology. Within millenia, their already dead world became completely hostile to any forms of life, as the air was poisoned by their machinery and the clouds blanketed the planet's surface into an eternal winter.

Blind with their triumph, servants of the Burning Legion fell easy prey to the Puppeteer when it returned to its domain. Mizrakh’s dark soul was destroyed by the ancient being as it placed itself with his body, becoming far more powerful that it was before the invasion. The Puppeteer has once again ascended the throne of Stygia. Its first goal was to reshape the corrupted Stygian survivors into its own race, a race of perfect machines of destruction who would follow it blindly and ensure that no longer any invaders dare to threaten its existence. Driven by this desire, its used its limitless powers in unison with remaining Stygian technology to form the most beautiful, perfect and deadly of the mortal races. Their flesh was replaced with cold metal that was immune to magic and invulnerable to blades and arrows, and their minds were merged them into a single collective overmind that would respond only to the commands of their master.


After ensuring its safety, the Puppeteer has turned to fulfilling the meaning of its existence – playing the endless game with mortal heroes as its toys. But eventually it realised it no longer had the power to do that – after the destruction of its corporeal form, part of its essence was consumed by Sargeras, making the Puppeteer unable to travel through the worlds without portals. It needed a new source of power. Such source was mentioned in the ancient Stygian legends, telling the story of another creation of Titan Praxis – something called ‘the Heart of Storms’. Although the legends don’t give a clue whether it is an artifact, a place or even a living being, the Puppeteer knows this Heart can provide enough energy to regain all its powers. However, the Heart of Storms is believed to be lost and forgotten…

…But what was once lost, should be found.

Unaware of the existence of the Puppeteer, mortals of Azeroth and Draenor make their own way in the world. Those such as Arnak Bladeweaver, an orc who became the chieftain of his clan by chance, but turned out to be a natural-born leader and a brilliant commander. Those such as Dayoma Rainsong, an elf-woman who has chosen the way of a sorceress, but had to sacrifice her feelings to follow it. Little do they know that they will eventually meet and then their lives will be changed forever according to their eventual destinies … or to their roles in the play directed by the Puppeteer.