User talk:ArmoryProfileBot

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Guild Version?

Could it be possible to create a equivalent bot to this that imported a whole guild? Or would that be too much? I'm thinking that would be awesome for a guild page, to show of it's members :P --Ose 18:42, 22 November 2007 (UTC)

This is something I also very much want for APB. Once WoWWiki gets the 1.11 upgrade, I'll be doing a rewrite of the 'bot and this is one of the features I'll be looking at. User:DarkRyder/Sig 23:27, 22 November 2007 (UTC)

Something wrong?

Is something wrong, mister bot? You seem to have eaten some pages. Pratt 11:32, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

Sadly, the reliability of the Armory (and to a lesser extent, WoWWiki) has declined to the point where APB is the next best thing to useless. I'm working on a 2.0 version of the bot which can handle as much unreliability as can be thrown at it, but it probably won't be ready for a week or two. Today or tomorrow, I'll go 'round fixing the pages it's eaten and then shut off the bot while I fix things. Sorry for the inconvenience.  :-( User:DarkRyder/Sig 12:41, 10 March 2008 (UTC)
I've reverted the emptied pages to the last working version (except for User:Asterius/APB_Table, who didn't have a working version yet). Good luck with version 2.0 :-) Pratt 13:09, 10 March 2008 (UTC)
That's very kind! I'll see if I can't get a working page for Asterius, then I'll shut the bot down. User:DarkRyder/Sig 13:49, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

Any news?

I'm really missing APB, it was a very cool feature to have. Are there any news on the rewrite or bugfixing? Depending on the language used I might be able to help out if needed.  Inv misc punchcards white.png Armagon (User_talk:Armagon Special:Contributions/Armagon 17:55, 10 April 2008 (UTC)

I'm very sorry about the delay; I'd expected to have plenty of time to devote to it (as I'm currently out of work), but I've instead found myself swamped with paying projects. Still, now that the 1.12 upgrade is in place, getting the new version running will be a lot easier; I'll see if I can devote some real time to it next week. User:DarkRyder/Sig 01:21, 11 April 2008 (UTC)
Oh cool, looking forward to it (if you got time :)  Inv misc punchcards white.png Armagon (User_talk:Armagon Special:Contributions/Armagon 02:13, 11 April 2008 (UTC)
Bump. ~ Nathanyel (talk) 13:48, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
As much as i'd like to see APB return; you do realise there's no such thing as an bump on a wiki? This is not a forum... CogHammer.gif Ose talk/3721 14:05, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
I'm aware of that, but it serves the same purpose, to bring up the topic again. DarkRyder is still active around here, so I thought it worth a shot.
If you have something against "bump", please view it as a humorous reference to something silly, but besides that, I find "bump" better than any statement that actually only says "I have nothing original to add to this topic, but I wanted to check if there's something new".
And why are you watching this talk page closer than your own? ;) ~ Nathanyel (talk) 16:12, 5 December 2008 (UTC)