User:Wyrhan/Paragons of Azeroth (Ravencrest EU)

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--Wyrhan (talk) 07:01, 12 February 2015 (UTC) Paragons of Azeroth - Ravencrest EU


Who are we?

  - We are Paragons of Azeroth (PoA)
  - We are a Guild made for the level 60 Bracket
  - We are a Raiding Guild
  - We are a PvP Guild

What do we want?

  - We want SOCIAL members
  - We want FRIENDLY members
  - We want a PERMANENT Raiding team
  - We want a PERMANENT PvP team
  - And of course we want to have FUN

What do YOU have to do?

  - You don't have to do much
  - You don't need to be "Hardcore" or "Skilled" to join
  - You don't need to be "BiS" geared to join
  - You don't need to have friend in the guild to join
  - You don't need to be "Rich" nor "Famous" to join
  • But YOU have to
   - You have to be level 60 to join
   - You don't need to do anything else :)

How to join?

  1. Create a character
  2. Level to 60
  3. Whisper ANYONE from the guild for invite
  4. Whisper Wyrhan, Valithidir or Skotte for extra help
  5. Have fun :)


Basic Info


  - Leveling above 60 will cause instant kick.
  - Signing up for events and NOT showing up will give you a warning. 2nd time will cause kick.
  - Rude behavior will give you a warning. 2nd time will cause kick.
  - We do ONLY speak ENGLISH in Guild Chat. Everything else will give you a warning. 2nd time will cause kick.
  - You will have a maximum of 2 warning, which means you will be kicked on the 2nd warning. If you get a warning for not showing up for event, you will be kicked for rude behavior.
  - Inactive players will be kicked, but will be able to join again.

Rules for PvP

  -NOT allowed
  - Bonus Armor stacking is NOT allowed. It DOES NOT mean you CAN'T play protection specialization
  - We still discuss about Monks and Death Knights

Rules for PvE

  - NOT allowed
  - Bonus Armor stacking is NOT allowed. It DOES NOT mean you CAN'T play protection specialization
  - We still discuss about Monks and Death Knights


If you still got questions, you are welcome to whisper Wyrhan for help.

Cya in the game :)