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Beast Mastery
Ability hunter bestialdiscipline.png
Ability devour.png Intimidation
Ability hunter animalhandler.png Animal Handler
Pvecurrency-justice.png Mastery: Master of Beasts
A master of the wild who can tame a wide variety of beasts to assist <him/her> in combat.
Ability hunter focusedaim.png
Inv spear 07.png Aimed Shot
Inv misc quiver 06.png Artisan Quiver
Pvecurrency-justice.png Mastery: Wild Quiver
A master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar.
Ability hunter camouflage.png
Ability hunter explosiveshot.png Explosive Shot
Achievement zone alteracmountains 01.png Into the Wilderness
Pvecurrency-justice.png Mastery: Essence of the Viper
A rugged tracker who favors using animal venom, explosives and traps as deadly weapons.