User:VraulJawrip/Krazzik Sharpshank

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NeutralKrazzik Sharpshank
Image of Krazzik Sharpshank
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Class Rogue
Affiliation(s) Grand Army of Kezan
Bilgewater Cartel
Occupation Assassin of the Grand Army
Location Gadgetzan
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Slinky Sharpshiv
Alignment Lawful neutral

Krazzik Sharpshank is a goblin assassin of the Grand Army of Kezan and former member of the Bilgewater Cartel up until its merger with the Horde, a faction Krazzik feels is, "too bloodthirsty and uncivil", for his own liking.


Krazzik was born on Kezan sometime around the First War. His parents were lower middle-class merchants seeking to survive in the extremely competitive environment that is the goblin community, especially within such a tremendous and successful cartel. Krazzik was taught from a young age how to treat customers and pressure them into buying the family's products. The consistently rude remarks that he received drove Krazzik to a brooding depression within during his maturing years as he saw little hope for the world - the other goblins were better off dead than to live in the filthy ghettos that they were forced to remain within. As his hatred for others grew, his skills with the blade only became more efficient.

Krazzik was heavily disliked by his fellow peers, who saw him as nothing but a quiet mope who was, as one of the parents put it, "good for nothin'." This only continued to drive the already misunderstood Krazzik deeper into his shell, where he remained for what many would say for the rest of his life, where he continued to remain alone and away from social contact with other goblins. Krazzik made few friends besides other outcasts in the goblin world, which may have been one of the few reasons his sanity remained intact.

Secretely, Krazzik had been the reason for many random deaths within the Bilgewater Cartel. During his time as an employee of his ailing father's business, Krazzik had come upon a few goblins who held especially horrible attitudes, as they outright made fun of the family business and cast off from the store. In anger, Krazzik always plotted to get his revenge, and quietly put away a dozen or so unsuspecting would-be customers through various means. Some of the goblins were cut up and sold to meat packing plants, while others were dropped in the sewers or rivers as Krazzik decided to sell their clothing to his customers to make some good money. Shortly before leaving Kezan for good, Krazzik was apart of the rebelling forces plotting against Gallywix, for he despises the Trade Prince more than any other goblin he had ever met. Unfortunately, however, any attempts at assassinating Gallywix never came to fruition, for he was never in an unprotected position for very long.

The Cataclysm

By the time the Northrend war was coming to a close, both of Krazzik's parents had long passed due to health problems most likely stemming from poor environment that they lived in which created a tremendous amount of stress on their lungs. Fortunately, Krazzik had been able to hire well-to-do employees who were able to perform the counter-side duties, while he maintained his presence counting the money and assuring the financial responsibilities were fulfilled. At the time, business was going smoothly - that is until the terrible dragon, Deathwing, showed up and caused Mount Kajaro to erupt. Such a horrible event gave the Trade Prince Gallywix a chance to gather funds from any goblin rich enough to afford a spot on his ship - a greedy trick which left many goblins, including Krazzik, as slaves on his quest to take over Azshara.

Unfortunately for Gallywix, the ship they were on sailed in the middle of warfare between the Alliance and Horde and sank in the oceans. Many perished, but those who survived were forced onto a primitive island filled with many dangers. Krazzik helped slice open the various monkeys and other wildlife threatening the safety of his fellow goblins, for he knew he required the assistance of the other Bilgewaters in order to survive the harsh landscape. Eventually, Krazzik and the other goblins were finally able to escape the Lost Isles and arrived in Azshara as was originally planned. There, Gallywix and thus the entire Bilgewater Cartel was assimilated into the Horde, and many goblins were immediately shipped off to help the new Warchief of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream, in building Orgrimmar's newest defenses. Rather than accept a forced servitude under a brutal regime, Krazzik sneakily head off far southward, where he eventually found Ratchet.

Rise of the Grand Army

During his time in Ratchet, Krazzik had been offered a chance in a mercenary group known grandiosely known as the Grand Army of Kezan - a group of individuals unhappy with their current positions and an ability to remain loyal to the leader, Kitrik. Joining up, Krazzik was told that this faction was to remain neutral, not discriminating against any specific people (except perhaps Draenei, due to Kitrik's particular dislike of their kind) so as to remain productive and efficient in the charge against Deathwing the Destroyer.