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I don't show up on the Wiki very often... but when I do, I edit like a beast!

Communication is an essential thing - so if I see you removing/undoing things I have done without properly explaining your actions, I will surely be very angry. Please, don't make me angry :)

My primary field of expertise is lore.

I have been playing since Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, so I have seen it all - from the First War to the discovery of Pandaria.


Here are some of the things I've been fixing (or planning to fix) lately:

  • Missing details about the newly introduced Monk quests in starting zones, including the letters you receive from the Trainers.
  • Too short articles about things that definitely deserve more to be said about them.
  • Spelling and grammar - lots of mistakes throughout the entire Wiki. Longer articles, in particular, are heavily infested.

The Grammar Nazi

All jokes aside, this Wiki would be a lot more pleasant to read when it is written in proper English. I know that the Internet is a bit lax about spelling rules, but a Wiki is not a place to be lax.

Mistakes are inevitable when many people contribute and that's why it is important to spot them and correct them in a timely manner.

Here is a quick guide to help you avoid some of the most common mistakes nowadays (as observed on various websites). If you are in doubt about any of these, don't be ashamed to check the guide:

It's and Its

  • It's = "it is"
    • Example: "It's time for you to leave."
  • Its = possessive pronoun, meaning "belonging to it"
    • Example: "Look at that tree - we can rest under its shade for a while."

There, Their and They're

  • There = denotes location, as opposed to "here"
    • Example: "I can see something over there."
  • Their = possessive pronoun, meaning "belonging to them"
    • Example: "The Orcs have returned to their old shamanistic traditions."
  • They're = "they are"
    • Example: "Look at these damn Goblins. They're going to blow something up again!"

We're, Were and Where

  • We're = "we are"
    • Example: "We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!"
  • Were = past tense of "are"
    • Example: "You were online yesterday."
  • Where = pronoun denoting place/location
    • Example: "Where is that blasted Warlock trainer?!?"

You're and Your

  • You're = "you are"
    • Example: "You're late for the party."
  • Your = possessive pronoun, meaning "belonging to you"
    • Example: "What happened to your friend?"

Who's and Whose

  • Who's = "who is"
    • "Example: "Who's in charge here?"
  • Whose = denotes possession
    • Example: "Whose sword is this?"

In Closing

If you are a fan of the WarCraft universe, come and contribute. All you have to do is create an account. Have fun :)