User:Varghedin Vikingfrost/Prononciation Guide

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Varghedin's Pronounciation Guide

This is a guide to the pronounciation of various names and terms in the Warcraft universe. These are how I personally pronounce them, and are as far as I know in accordance with Blizzard's prounciation, though they do not always agree with themselves. Of course, for the words without official pronounciation, these are educated guesswork on my part.

To my credit, I have a degree in linguistics, and speak 8 languages to a certain extent. I'm not a native speaker of English, but I feel this may in fact help in pronouncing some of these words.


  • Alexstrasza - el-ex-STRAA-zuh
  • Azshara - az-SHAA-ruh
  • Drek'thar - DRECK-thaar
  • Durotan - DOOR-oh-taan
  • Fandral - FAN-drul
  • Illidan - ILL-ih-dun
  • Kael'thas - KAYL-thas (unvoiced th)
  • Khadgar - KAD-gaar
  • Krasus - KRAA-sus
  • Magatha - muh-GOTH-uh
  • Maiev - MIGH-ev
  • Malygos - MAL-ee-gus
  • Medivh - med-EEV
  • Neltharion - nel-THER-ee-un (unvoiced th)
  • Nozdormu - NOZ-dorm-oo
  • Orgrim - OR-grim
  • Rhonin - ROW-nin
  • Shandris - SHAN-dris
  • Tyrande - tih-RUN-deh
  • Vashj - VAHSH
  • Ysera - eeh-SEHR-uh


  • Aldrassil - ALL-drus-il
  • Aparaje - aa-paa-RAA-zhe
  • Astranaar - AS-truh-naar
  • Auberdine - AW-ber-dyne
  • Darnassus - daar-NASS-us
  • Dolanaar - DOLE-uh-naar
  • Mojache - moo-ZHAA-tcheh
  • Narache - naar-ATCH-eh
  • Nordrassil - NOR-drus-il
  • Orgrimmar - OR-grim-aar
  • Thanalaar - THAAL-uh-naar
  • Talrendis - tawl-REN-dis
  • Taurajo - TAWR-uh-zho
  • Teldrassil - TEL-drus-il
  • Valormok - VAL-or-mawk
  • Zoram'gar - zor-um-GAAR