User:Valoreign/Iron Beak Consortium

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Guild Events

Event People Story
Seduced Mercs


5 The sole 'survivor' of the mass seduction of a company by a succubus has employed Iron Beak in the liberation of his camp. Up in the mountains of Alterac, a band of swords for hire wait to be freed from the demon, preferably with as few deaths as possible.


5 The gnawed upon bones of Khaz Modan livestock and even a few dwarven citizens has led to Dun Morogh farmsteads to pitch in to employ Iron Beak to help rid them of an especially aggressive and hungry wendigo.
Gold and Blue


7 With Alliance and Horde activity building up around the wound left by the Dark Titan, questions are raised over their operations. To answer questions and gather samples of whatever it is being mined in Silithus, Iron Beak will venture to Kalimdor.


6 Assaulted and seized by a paladin brigade for its abundence of undead and necromantic activity, the home and laboratory of Northcroft is in need of liberation. While diplomacy is preferable, the Silverpine knights may be stubborn.
Dark Side of Elune


While considered outcasts from the circles they hailed from, a cult that worships a so-called 'dark side of Elune' may prove to be a useful asset in the defense of Darkshore, though only if liberated from


With the Horde invasion of northern Kalimdor underway, the kaldorei are finding themselves suffering military losses against the warchief's war machine. IBC has been hired as reinforcements to a small Darkshore village under siege.