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Guild Events

Event Date Attendees Story
Cultists Come: Zul'Gurub 09.15.15 2 The usual jungle troll inhabitants of Zul'Gurub have suddenly disappeared. What replaced them is a hostile cult of unknown origins. This might be a bit of an issue.
The Wake 09.30.15 4 Gravestone has been hired to remove a cultist presence within the troll city of Zul'Gurub. A 'show' put on by said group has been advertised for this day, so it might be a good time to attack.
The Wake 10.07.15 4 The Wake has appeared in Feralas, primarily Dire Maul. A paladin's expedition to Kalimdor wants Shadowratchet taken alive to be tried in a military tribunal.
Contest Crash 10.14.15 2 A blood elven contest is being held in the Isle of Quel'Danas and it just so happens that last year's winner was a necromancer who Gravestone has been hired to kill.
The Wake 10.29.15 3 Grummles, Pandaren and Yaungol alike have been taken by the Shadow's Wake for ritualistic purposes. Gravestone has been hired to return a Pandaren innkeeper's daughter.
The Wake 11.05.15 2 A void bomb is being crafted by a Venture Company off-shoot in the Storm Peaks. This device is be created for use by the Wake. Perhaps we should steal it and use it against them.
The Wake 11.11.15 1 Finale. The Order of the Titanic Will has hired Gravestone to finally eradicate the Wake once and for all. They have asked that they detonate the void bomb over their meeting in Ahn'Qiraj.
Titanic Will 11.18.15 5 After refusing to turn over a potential titanic artifact, the Order of the Titanic Will is staging their first major attack against Gravestone.
Love Potion No. 8 11.24.15 4 An alchemist has been pouring love potions to a village's water supply. Needless to say, the so far unaffiliated villagers aren't very amused.
Spirit Journey 11.30.15 3 A shaman has hired Gravestone to keep an eye on him while he takes 'spiritual enhancers'. Why's he need mercenaries for this?
Breaking Out The Deader 12.03.15 7 Oliver's been taken captive! Time to pretend like we're heroes or something!
The Yeti 12.11.15 3 A horrible experiment that slew his creator has escaped and now terrorizes Dun Morogh. A certain researcher would like to dissect it.
Just A Tribute 12.17.15 5 Plague has come to a resort in the Steam Pools and a supposed Elite Tauren Chieftain tribute band is to blame.
Titanic Will: Revolution 01.05.16 2 The Order of the Titanic Will has erupted into a civil war. Aiding the revolution could halt all future attacks against Gravestone. (Part 1)
Titanic Will: Revolution 01.06.16 4 The Order of the Titanic Will has erupted into a civil war. Aiding the revolution could halt all future attacks against Gravestone. (Part 2)
Megalomania: The Device 01.09.16 4 In the caverns of Old Ironforge lays a mysterious device. It has apparently killed off all of other crews who have tried to study it. It's time to bring in the experts.
Megalomania: Talinia 01.12.16 5 The 'megalomania device' requires tributes and it as apparently chosen its first. It is time that Gravestone faces some of their own's inner uglies.
Megalomania: Jaeysa 01.22.16 4 It's time that we take out the second tribute's projections. Everyone can rest assured that her projection will be as soft and kind as the real deal.
Megalomania: Vexonia 01.26.16 4 Stage two is nearly complete. All that there is left to do is to face the inner ugly within the leader of Gravestone herself and her worgen companion.
Megalomania: Deactivation 02.03.16 3 The deactivation of the 'Megalomania device' is nearly complete. Gravestone simply needs to complete one last trial upon bringing the device to Ulduar.
Brotherhood 02.12.16 3 A new empire of Arathor has be declared by patriots who will see their empire rise again, no matter the cost. Even if it means selling their souls.
Dusty Road to Blackrock 03.08.16 3 An organization of dragon worshippers has emerged in and around the Blackrock Mountain. A defector of the cult has hired Gravestone in helping him take them down. (Part I)
Dusty Road to Blackrock 03.10.16 2 An organization of dragon worshippers has emerged in and around the Blackrock Mountain. A defector of the cult has hired Gravestone in helping him take them down. (Part II)
Dusty Road to Blackrock 03.12.16 2 An organization of dragon worshippers has emerged in and around the Blackrock Mountain. A defector of the cult has hired Gravestone in helping him take them down. (Part III)
Of Woven Webs 03.23.16 1 Druids of the Widow have begun operations to seize all property held by a band of Kirin Tor in Stonetalon Mountains. Though, how will visions of the past influence Gravestone's effectiveness?
Riddles in the Dark 04.03.16 5 Trials have begun in the small town over the recent spree of murders believed to be related to a cult of elder god worshippers. It has been, however, difficult to pinpoint the perpetrators.
Welcome to the Coliseum 04.07.16 2 Come one, come all to the Coliseum! An underground Highmaul tournament is being held in Nagrand today and Gravestone has been hired to kill one of the contestants. Unfortunately, that means climbing the ranks.
Remnants: Flat Circle 04.20.16 4 Time. Some say it is a flat circle. Some things are destined to repeat itself for mistakes never mended as well as some carelessly repeated. The shadow of war beckons once more for Gravestone as Morendi Ironhold prepares her forces.
Remnants: Order Hold 04.29.16 3 Nestled within Terokkar Forest are the ruins of 'Order Hold,' the now abandoned base of operations for the Order of the Titanic Will. Perhaps this place still has records on their organization or other items that could prove useful.
Remnants: Beckoning 05.09.16 2 Plots and plans to take down Gravestone are being concocted by a small regiment of Remnants in the depths of Terokkar forest. Ending their lives may be easy, though they have a few wards and curses up their sleeve thanks to a new ally.
Remnants: Child's Play 05.18.16 3 Due to the negligence of the late Tharenfield, a young girl's mind has been overpowered by what is believed to be the elder gods. Now, Morendi Ironhold's allies sends their forces in order to make use of the child's newfound magic.
Remnants: Wasteland 05.23.16 3 During the reign of Highlord O'shuno, a new 'Order Hold' stood within the Dread Wastes, sprawling with dwarves, humans and mogu alike. Today, it is simply a pile of rubble. Within the ruins, however, an artifact waits.
Remnants: Captivity 05.30.16 4 According to reports seized from the Order of the Titanic Will, various advocates of Gravestone are being held in abandoned prisons within the Dread Wastes. Freeing them may help bolster our defenses against the Remnants.
Remnants: Earthensnarl 06.03.16 5 Former general of the Order of the Titanic Will Nigel Earthensnarl has been discovered hiding out near Halfhill. If he continues to conspire with Ironhold as presumed, now is the time to put an end to his life.
Remnants: The Crypts 06.15.16 5 Preparation for a siege on Gravestone property has been intercepted. Agents of Gravestone have been sent to the Knell Family Crypts to await Ironhold's forces as they attempt to free prisoners of Gravestone.
Remnants: Twilight Artifact 06.20.16 6 Originally unearthed by the Coalition of the Wake, a strange egg-shaped device is being coveted by an ogre magus in the Twilight Highlands. Morendi Ironhold has sent her forces to seize the item, though hopefully not before Gravestone.
Remnants: Milsy 06.25.16 5 Attempts at modifying their soldiers with alchemy have begun showing positive results. If Gravestone is to stop these operations, they will have to stop the apothecary research at its source; Milsy Shattervial.
Remnants: Headquarters 06.29.16 7 In an attempt to avenge the recent death of Milsy Shattervial, the Remnants' forces march on Gravestone Headquarters in Hillsbrad Foothills. Though, it does not seem that it is blood that they are after.
Remnants: Twisting Sands 07.06.16 10 A large concentration of Remnants has been found in Uldum. Why they are there and what they are doing is not yet clear. What is clear, however, is that Gravestone will intervene on their own behalf.
Remnants: War Crimes 07.13.16 7 Trapped inside of their own minds, agents of Gravestone have been put on mental trial for their purported crimes against the Order of the Titanic Will and the Protector Morendi Ironhold. Pray that there's a good attorney in your head.
Remnants: Shadowratchet 07.20.16 8 Knight Vatson stands between Gravestone and the death of Morendi Ironhold, meaning the end to the Order of the Titanic Will and their war against the company. However, The Wake has yet to cease interfering in the affairs of the two factions.
Remnants: Titanic Will 07.27.16 11 The Remnants have nearly been defeated by the agents of Gravestone. Now, all that there is left to do to end this war is the invasion of the final holdout of the Order of the Titanic Will and the defeat of Protector Morendi Ironhold.
Hell Descends: Alterac 07.29.16 10 Something is brewing in Alterac Mountains. Rumors of Legion sympathizing cultists preparing for a dark ritual in the snowy hills have arisen. Gravestone has been employed by the Church to investigate these claims.
End of the World Party 07.30.16 5 The Burning Legion is arriving and it's pretty clear that they are not only going to win, but we as Azerothians are doomed to die fiery deaths. What's one last celebration going to hurt? "Ywaq puul skshgn: on'ma yeh'glu zuq."
Turning the Tides 08.17.16 5 "As we all are already well aware of, the Burning Legion has returned to claim Azeroth as their own. Let us use their forces against them. Reanimated, some of the Legion's more powerful beings may be of some great use for us in our war."
Brotherhood of Arathor 08.23.16 5 "An organization of Stromic nationalists that I may have had some history with is now begging the company for help against Legion sympathizers in their ranks. Presumed to be aiding the Legion is their missing 'High King.'" (Part 1/2)
Brotherhood of Arathor 08.24.16 5 "An organization of Stromic nationalists that I may have had some history with is now begging the company for help against Legion sympathizers in their ranks. Presumed to be aiding the Legion is their missing 'High King.'" (Part 2/2)
The Wild Westfall 09.03.16 5 Believed to be plotting for the overthrow of the local government in Westfall, Gravestone has been employed to infiltrate and gather information on an up and coming crime syndicate. Murder, however, is not an option outside of self defense.
Kirin Tomes 09.07.16 5 Outside of the bounds of the law to outright take a sorcerer's arcane texts themselves, Kirin Tor mages have hired Gravestone to retrieve these books by any means necessary - preferably legally or at least with no trace of their crimes.
Lost and Found 09.14.16 6 Un'goro Crater is not the ideal location to be lost in. However, an archaelogical crew has lost track of an entire expedition in this land of the lost. Gravestone has been employed to find and rescue them or find evidence of their demise.

Joint Events

Event With Date Attendees Story
Twisted Construct Hunters Hall 05.13.16 9 Titanic creations left to guard an ancient relic in Sholazar Basin have since been corrupted by an unknown entity. Gravestone and Hunters Hall have been employed to purge the taint.
Mirror, Mirror The Kokalt Company 05.27.16 5 In search of a purported magic mirror by Halfhill, a void cult has begun to wreak havoc in the farmlands nearby. Gravestone and the Kokalt Company have been employed to push back the illusionist forces.