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Level 60 Night Elf Druid
<Misfit Toys>
Inv misc bandana 01.png
Image of Anyaka
Inv gauntlets 26.png
Inv jewelry talisman 07.png Inv belt 10.png
Inv shoulder 10.png Inv pants wolf.png
Inv misc cape 20.png Inv boots 02.png
Inv misc questionmark.png Inv jewelry ring 18.png
Inv shirt purple 01.png Inv jewelry ring 04.png
Inv shirt guildtabard 01.png Inv misc gem bloodstone 01.png
Inv bracer 07.png Inv misc armorkit 09.png
Inv hammer 04.png Empty
Strength: 500
Agility: 500
Stamina: 500
Intellect: 500
Spirit: 500
Armor: >9000
Resistance Arcane.png Resistance Fire.png Resistance Nature.png Resistance Frost.png Resistance Shadow.png
50 50 50 50 50