User:Thio58167/Quest: Letters From The Front: Highbank

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Obtain a Sack of Homebound Letters from Marine Eventhought in Highbank and deliver them to their families in Stormwind City.


Aha, here's one you might be able to help with!

I've recieved word that the soldiers of the Alliance in Highbank - that's in the Twilight Highlands - have been looking to send their reassurances home to their families here in Stormwind.

Sometimes, <name>, there is no letter - only the somber note that a stalwart defender of the Alliance has gone to the Light. As a courier, it is your duty to bring both good news and bad. This is your true test.


You will receive:
Inv misc token honorhold.png 30x [Alliance Pride Token]


I'm glad to see you back, <name>. I hope you learned something today.