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MobForgemaster Bexxliz
Image of Forgemaster Bexxliz
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Location Ebon Encampment
Status Killable

Forgemaster Bexxliz is the second raid boss in the Grim Batol raid. The Forgemaster oversees the Ebon Encampment, and blocks entrance into the fortress itself. On normal mode, the fight is a fairly simple gear check, but the various Hard Modes can add more difficult to manage factors into the fight.


Leader of the goblins serving Deathwing, Bexxliz was thrown out of the Undermine alongside his allies when the Steamwheedle Cartel discovered his alliances. He now oversees the Ebon Encampment, the center of Black Dragonflight's weapons and armor production.

Bexxliz in involved in the Kezan group quest, If Someone Asks If You're a Dragon..., introducing him as a character and explaining his presence in Grim Batol.


Phase 1


  • Achievement dungeon ulduarraid irongolem 01.png Forge Golem: During Phase 1, Bexxliz will be constantly forging Golems. Every 15 seconds, he will command one of them to jump down from the unreachable ledge he and his forge are on and attack the raid.

Ebon Golems

  • Ability vehicle shellshieldgenerator.png Energy Shielding: Damage taken from area of effect attacks reduced by 95%.
  • Inv gizmo 02.png Memory Wipe: Every 18 seconds, Ebon Golems will wipe threat.
  • Ability warrior titansgrip.png Metallic Strike: Deals 150% weapon damage and knocks the target back a short distance.
  • Spell nature earthshock.png Ground Pound: Pounds the ground, stunning all active targets for 2 seconds and interrupting spellcasters. Has a 4 second casting time.
  • Ability vehicle demolisherflamecatapult.png Cannonball: Shoots a fiery cannonball toward a player not in melee range, knocking all nearby targets back a large distance and dealing significant fire damage.
  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Charged Fuselage: For every 10% health the Ebon Golem loses, all targets take a small amount of nature damage every 3 seconds. Stacks 9 times.

Phase 2


  • Inv gizmo 08.png Death Ray: Fires a slow-moving Death Ray at a random target. If the beam comes in contact with a Goblin Mechanic, the effect ends and the Mechanic is killed.
  • Inv hammer 20.png Summon Goblin Mechanic: Summons a Goblin Mechanic to the aid of the caster.
  • Inv misc wrench 01.png Tinkering: Resurrects a fallen Ebon Golem with 300% health and grants it new abilities.

Ebon Golem

  • Spell fire burnout.png Vent Heat: Spawns a Superheated Vortex, a fiery tornado that randomly pursues players and knocks them back, dealing fire damage. Lasts 10 seconds.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Seismic Pulse: Summons a mobile earthquake. Players affected by it to be repeatedly knocked into the air a short distance and suffer minor nature damage.
  • Spell nature lightning.png Electrified Fuselage: Every time the Ebon Golem loses 25% of its total health, it will shock a random non-tanking player with a Static Charge, increasing damage and healing done by 25% and causing heavy nature damage every 3 seconds. After 8 seconds, this charge passes to another random player. A Static Charge will never affect the same player twice, and after one charge has three players, it disappears.

Goblin Mechanic

  • Inv misc enggizmos 19.png Heavy Toolbox: The mechanic's heavy toolbox reduces his movement speed by 50% and makes him extremely vulnerable to snare effects.
  • Trade engineering.png Repair Golem: Heals an Ebon Golem for 3% of its health every second.

Phase 3


  • Spell frost stun.png Knocked Off: Damage taken increased by 200%. Stunned.

Ebon Golem

  • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Discharge: Charges the area around the fallen Ebon Golem, increasing damage done by all affected by it by 100%.

Goblin Sapper

  • Inv gizmo rocketboot 01.png Rocket Boots: Increases movement speed by 100%. Cannot be used while armed.
  • Inv misc bomb 05.png Arm Explosives: Lights the Sapper's explosives, which slow the Sapper's movement to 0% over 6 seconds and cause him to explode for fatal damage.



When entering the Forgemaster's workshop, three neutral goblins will be immediately visible: Dizzo Dirtgold, Bina Burncoin, and Veero Voltspring. Neither of them have any special abilities to speak of and do not pull the other two when engaged. Which goblins remain alive decides which level of difficulty the boss fight will be set to. Dizzo grants Ebon Golems the Ground Pound and Seismic Pulse abilities, Bina lets them shoot Cannonballs and Vent Heat, and Veero gives them Charged and Electrified Fuselage.

Phase 1

Phase 1 on normal mode should be tackled like any trash fight, but barring area of effect attacks. The Ebon Golems should be grouped up and burned down individually in the same spot. Tanks hit with Metallic Strike should do whatever they can to close the distance between themselves and the golem as quickly as possible, and Memory Wipes should be called out to allow DPS to stop ahead of time.

Hard Modes make this stage more difficult, but still quite manageable. Cannonballs are instant cast, so ranged DPS and healers should just spread out to avoid being hit by someone else's Cannonball. Ground Pounds have a three second cast time, during which casters should stop casting to avoid the interrupt. Charged Fuselage cannot be avoided, meaning it should simply be healed through.

After many golems have fallen, Phase 2 will begin.

Phase 2

Phase 2 will present much greater challenges, especially on Hard Mode. It begins when the last add falls and Bexxliz jumps down and casts Tinkering on a fallen golem, and then mounts it.

Bexxliz will announce the beginning of this phase by jumping down from his ledge, casting Tinkering on a random Ebon Golem and mounting it. In addition to the abilities of the Golems of phase one (now hitting much harder), several new elements become apparent.

Normal mode raiders will need only to contend with Goblin Mechanics and Death Rays. Every 16 seconds, Bexxliz will summon a Goblin Mechanic. Their heavy tools reduce their movement speed by 50%, but they will still attempt to move toward the Ebon Golem and heal it. However, at any given moment (excluding right after a Death Ray), Bexxliz will be firing a yellow-red ray from his position toward a random player. Similar to Kologarn's Eye Beams, the ray moves slowly and should be avoided at all costs, as mere seconds in its range are enough to kill a non-tank. To counter both the Mechanics and Death Rays, the targeted player must move in such a fashion as to cause the Death Ray to hit the Mechanic, instantly killing the mechanic. This process also destabilizes Bexxliz's Death Ray slightly, which damages the Ebon Golem he is riding. When the Ebon Golem's health reaches 0, Phase 3 begins.

Phase 3

In Phase 3, Bexxliz will be stunned on the ground, and be targetable for the first and only time in the fight. Since healing and tanking are nigh-worthless in this phase, tanks should begin damaging Bexxliz, and healers should top the raid off and do the same.

Meanwhile, Goblin Sappers will begin spawning from the various entrances to the area. They will use Rocket Boots to close distance with the raid, then arm themselves and chase a random target. This target must pull them away from the raid as well as stay out of their range until they explode 6 seconds later.

The fallen Ebon Golems will also occasionally release a Discharge, increasing damage done by all players standing near it for 15 seconds. This should be utilized by ranged DPS as much as possible.

After 35 seconds, Bexxliz will reenter Phase 2.



  • That's not a very good idea!

Forge Golem:

  • Eheh! Not so big NOW, are you?

Killing a player:

  • Squish squash!
  • I'll have to check their pockets later.

Phase 2:

  • If you want something done, you've gotta do it yourself!

Death Ray Rebound:

  • Nyah! It's not supposed to do that!

Phase 3:

  • That's what I call a KABOOM!

Phase 2 repeat:

  • That's it! No more Mister Nice Goblin!


  • Good... to the... last... boom...


Normal mode
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Forgemaster's Gloves Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Greathelm of the Bloodied Construct
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Leggings of the Vile Betrayer Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Tainted Gold Greaves
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Metalsmithing Tongs Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Burnt Golem Casing
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Cogwheel Wristbands Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Cover of Regret
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Pauldrons of Treachery Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Undermine Pistol
Normal hard mode
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Goblin's Revenge Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Vial of Molten Chromium
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Robes of the Ebon Accord Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Inventor's Guild Trousers
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thio/Links of the Fiery Rune

Related achievements

  •  A Sound Pounding
  •  Me and the Sappin' Makin' it Happen
  •  Imported Toolkit

The following achievements are for the encounter's hard mode.

  •  Primed
  •  Prime Rate
  •  Prime Time
  •  Splendor of the Grim Batol Raider

User:Thio/Template:Fury of the Maelstrom