User:Thegenegerbread/Sealed Starchamber

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NeutralSealed Star Chamber
Level: 63 - 70
Ulduar Art 2.jpg
The Ethereum Star Chart within the Star Chamber
Type Star Chamber
Races IconSmall Ethereal.gif Ethereal
IconSmall Mechagnome.gif Mekaaninir
IconSmall FrostGiant.gif Stelaari
Ruler(s) Neutral IconSmall FrostGiant.gif Boruur the Abandoned
Neutral IconSmall Ethereal.gif T'uurani Highguard
Affiliation T'uurani Highguard, The Shadowguard
Location The top of T'uura, City of Ages
PvP status Sanctuary


Uncovering K'aresh's Past

Class Relics

Each class will receive its own relic that it can work towards upgrading. This is its own separate item, and each item is unique in what it provides to each class.


Death Knight Dragon Knight

Demon Hunter →

Druid → Archdruid

Hunter → Dark Ranger

Mage → Archmage

Monk →

Paladin → Vindicator

Priest →

Rogue → Samurai

Shaman → Witch-Doctor

Warlock →

Warrior → Barbarian


Trials of the Stelaari