User:TheKaldorei1/Varok Saurfang

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HordeVarok Saurfang
Image of Varok Saurfang
Title High Overlord of The Southern Horde,Saurfang the Elder
Gender Male
Race Orc
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Horde, Southern Horde
Occupation Cheiftan of the Southern Horde
Location Stormwind
Status Alive
Relative(s) Broxigar (older brother),[1] unnamed brother or half brother, Dranosh (son), Thura (niece)
Student(s) Dranosh Saurfang
"I am he who watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Dare you defy the Warchief? Dare you face my merciless judgement?"

Early life

Varok Saurfang was a member of the Blackrock Clan[2] and has served with the Horde ever since he drank the blood of Mannoroth alongside Grom Hellscream. Varok led forces in the sacking of Shattrath, Stormwind, and everything between, never losing in battle.

When Orgrim Doomhammer seized control of the Horde in the First War, he chose Varok Saurfang as his second-in-command after witnessing Varok's efficient and brutal tactics on the field. Varok helped dozens of veterans come to grips with their previous atrocities, ultimately saving the lives of many great Horde soldiers.[3] Varok went on to become a famed veteran of the First, Second.

Although the Blood Curse drove him to murder many innocents, Varok refuses to use that as an excuse: like many others, he made the decision to drink freely. Drinking the blood and his actions under the blood curse haunt him, and to this day he deeply regrets both events. Although orcs are said to be fond of pork, the sound of swine being killed when they are ready for slaughter remind him of the death screams of the draenei children, and older veterans like Varok are often troubled by the memory. It disturbed Varok so deeply that he has refused to eat pork ever since. He will not shy away from war, or hesitate to defend his people and the Horde. However, he refuses to start a war, and if it is within his power, he will prevent a warmongering spirit from doing so. Whether through actions or by words, he will stop them anyway he can... no matter what.

  1. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, pg. 14
  2. ^ Chris Metzen, Quests & Lore Panel, BlizzCon 2010
  3. ^ Ask CDev #1 Answers - Round 1