User:TheDmon/The Nightmare Begins

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The Nightmare Begins

(Logo Needed) For years, the Druids of Nature have devoted their lives to the protection of balance. However, their base of operations have been kept from those who they wish to protect. For some time lately, there has been an upset in this realm. Now, darkness has fallen upon this world, the shadow of this worlds opposite has come into existence. The beings of this world have pleaded us for help. Over the years, they have helped us in our world. Now, we must return the favor by helping them in their world. To strengthen our forces, warriors from our new allies and enemies have sided with us. Now, our Trial is within the Emerald Dream. Now we must prepare for it. Now...The Nightmare Begins.

  • End Boss: The Nightmare
  • Level Cap: 110
  • New Hero Classes: Arch Druid, Necromancer
  • New Basic Class: Druid class now for all races
  • New Profession: Rebirthing
  • New Dungeons
  • New Races
  • New Items
  • New World

Arch Druid


Must have one level 75 Character, Races: Alliance: Night Elf, Worgen; Horde: Tauren, Troll (will eventually spread out)

Starting out

The Arch Druid is a higher Druid, so it starts out wit a few abilities that a Druid as at level 70. The Arch Druid starts o a island that has a huge amount of trees from all across the world. There is one tree that seems to have a mind of its own, that sends it across the island to tend to the trees. After an attack by creatures from the nightmare, the Arch Druid returns to the tree to find it chopped down. After a emotional scene between the two, a Child of Cenarious comes to take the Arch Druid to Moonglade. There, the Arch Druid shall learn strange natural abilities, and be sent on a journey to change their life forever.
