User:TheDmon/Purity and Corruption

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Purity and corruption

(Logo needed)The heroes of Azeroth have experienced great trials that have drove them to the point of limitation. But the one trial that almost none can complete is the ultimate decision. The decision between what is right, and what is wrong. Every person must one day choose between these, and the result of these decisions are sent to an alternate world.This world is called the plane of morality. This plane is split into the planes of Purity and Corruption. Filled with beings created by pure and corrupt choices. But it is not them who hold their weapons at our throats, but instead an old enemy. We have tested fate, and fate has given us its punishment. Now it is time, for us to decide, and become, beings of Purity and Corruption.

  • End Boss: Project End and Project Zero(my lore)
  • Level Cap: 100
  • New Races: Alliance: Kobold, Horde: Murloc
  • New Basic Class: Apothocary
  • New Caverns of Time: The Six terrors
  • New Character Progression: Morality
  • New Main Races: Pure Ones, and Corrupt Ones
  • New items
  • New World

Welcome to Purity and Corruption.



The Murloc has been a race that has been loved by many if not most fans of WOW. I also have adored Murlocs, and have wanted them playable for a while. I was inspired to make this idea by two things. A comic from the community site, and a game. Here are the links.

Race Introduction

There history unknown, the Murlocs of the ocean have been a mysterious race that none would fight alone. To other races, Murlocs are a race of stupidity, but to themselves, Murlocs are an amazing creature. They have teir own reasons to fight, their own culture, and any who challenge them deserve to die. The try to keep to themselves. But soon, they shall find a new life, with a new purpose. Attacked by a strange creature, The Murlocs shall begin a new quest, and will complete it, by any means.

More Coming Soon!



I have really enjoyed the Kobold as a race, and have wanted to learn more about them. I have always wanted to play them, and created this idea in there image.I was also inspired by the same game as the Murlocs.

Race Introduction

The mines of the world have held many secrets. They have also held creatures that our kind has never seen. These creatures have suffered in darkness. However, they have been blessed by the light of a simple candle. Ever since, they have mined them selves up from the ground. These creatures have been known by the name-Kobolds. They have lived simple lives,up until now. Soon, they shall come out of hiding. Soon, they shall give up their lives, for the very thing that gave them strength.

More coming soon.


The Apothecary class is basically the alchemist profession turned into a class. However, it has it's perks, and its downsides as well. The Apothecary is a main class, and is a hybrid. It can be either a DPS or a healer. I will not get to deep into it, I want it to be a surprise.


Morality is a new character progression that changes the form of the character, like many other games, such as Fable, Infamous, and others. There are 4 types of morale decisions:Good, Evil, Pure and Corrupt. You can make a decision by completing a quest, saving or killing a person, equipping strange items, or otherwise. Each decision type can alter the characters appearance depending on what it is.

  • Good: Good decision's are completed by simply making the right choice. When altering, the character starts to seem brighter, and have a kinder look.
  • Evil: Evil Decisions are completed by simply making the wrong choice. When altering, the character starts to seem very dark, and takes on mellow look.
  • Pure: One is only pure when they sacrifice themselves for others, or when they do what is beyond right. Purity is not just making the right choice, but putting others ahead of yourself. When altering, the character can grow angelic wings, grow a halo, and their hair will shine. Their bodies will seem to bring light to even the darkest of areas.
  • Corrupt: One is only corrupt when they sacrifice others for themselves, or when they do the darkest of deeps. Corruption is not just making the wrong choice, but yourself beyond others. When altering, the character can grow demonic wings, grow horns, and their hair shall crumble with flame. Their bodies shall darken the lights of even the brightest areas.