User:TheDmon/Murloc Race idea

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  • Warrior
  • Rogue
  • Mage
  • Priest
  • Shaman
  • Apothecary
  • Death Knight

Race Introduction

There history unknown, the Murlocs of the ocean have been a mysterious race that none would fight alone. To other races, Murlocs are a race of stupidity, but to themselves, Murlocs are an amazing creature. They have teir own reasons to fight, their own culture, and any who challenge them deserve to die. The try to keep to themselves. But soon, they shall find a new life, with a new purpose. attacked by a strange creature, The Murlocs shall begin a new quest, and will complete it, by any means.

Starting Areas

  • 1st: Elywnn Forest area behind waterfall(extended)
  • 2nd: Stranglethorn Vale

Racial Info

Character Creation

  • Skin: Green, purple, Blue
  • Eye Color: Yellow, Black, Orange
  • Fin: Normal, Spiny, Small, Big, Deadly
  • Face: Normal, Scary, Kindly
  • Fin Color: Red, Black, Blue, Purple, Green


Giant Crab/Lobster Hybrid


  • Underwater Breathing:Allows the Murloc to breath underwater, unlike other races.
  • Puddle Jumping: Increases speed by 60 percent. Increases by 100 percent if the player is within 50 feet of water. Lasts for 30 seconds unless attacked.
  • MUMRUGLGAL: A battle cry that increases all party members Spirit by 10 percent for 30 seconds.
  • Solid Fins: Increases armor by 10 percent for each level. Lasts for 10 seconds.


Sea Lord Murglegraw


Thom'Skall(found in ruins beneath the water in Durotar)


Mumrgle, Common, Orcish


Murloc quests talk about solving the mystery as to why their great Celebration was ruined. It also explains how the horde can be kind-in their own way.

Coming soon!

More Coming soon!