User:TehLucario/World of Warcraft: Recurring Nightmare

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What do you dream? Do you dream of Triumph? Do you dream of defeat? Do you remember the good ones or the bad ones? Do your dreams haunt you or comfort you? Perhaps these are the questions we should be asking ourselves...

Reccurring Nightmare edit edited-1.jpg


  • LEVEL TO 125
    • Pets to 30
  • New Continent: EMERALD DREAM
  • New Races
    • Alliance:High Elf
    • Horde:Nightfallen
  • New Class/Race Options
  • New Specializations
  • Player Housing
  • Guild Bases
  • Further Empower your Artifacts
    • New Artifacts for New Specs

Important Characters

  • Decus Blooden

A fallen druid from Gilneas. Corrupted and twisted from visions of nightmares, he has worked for years in secret, reuniting the broken Twilight's Hammer cultists under one banner.

  • Nocturnous

Once a champion for his mother, Ysera, he was captured and dragged into the depths of the dream many millennia ago, being all but forgotten. The nightmare has chosen him as its new lord. He now seeks destruction of the world he once defended.

  • Cenarius

The great demigod of the Night elves, born of the spirit Molorne and the goddess Elune, his very existence intertwines with the dream. Having suffered death and corruption, he fights to secure the dream from the Nightmare once and for all.

  • Malfurion Stormrage

The first mortal druid trained under Cenarius himself. He has fought and cornered the Nightmare before, hoping that it would no longer be a threat to the waking world. Now he leads the Cenarian Circle against the reawakened threat to the Dream and Azeroth itself.

  • Tyrande Whisperwind

Leader of the Night elves and wife of Malfurion. She supports her husband with undying loyalty aas he does to her. She accompanies her husband into the dream to end the corruption that has plagued the world for years.

  • Hamuul Runetotem

The first tauren to become a druid. As Malfurion leads the Alliance into the Dream, Hamuul leads the horde..

  • Wrathion

The self styled black prince and last known of the black dragons. Having assisted heroes several times before and warned them of the Burning Legion's last invasion, he has taken an interest in the dream for unknown reasons. Perhaps he wants power, perhaps he's just interested in current events. Only time will tell....

  • Med'an

Son of Medivh and Garrona, the former guardian of Trisfall has been wandering out of the eyes of the world for some time, ignoring the going ons of Azeroth. His recent travels find him in the Emerald Dream, face to face with a certain black dragon...

Expansion Features

Emerald Dream

Explored for millenia by the druids of Azeroth, the Emerald Dream is a blueprint for Azeroth. Pure and untouched by mortal hands, it is the world as it should be; nature abundant, no structures made by the races of the world, and wildlife flourishing. The Emerald Dragonflight has guarded it throughout the ages, a mostly peaceful job until the emergence of the nightmare. While peacful arround the edges


The explorable area is a mass in the center of Ancient Kalimdor around the Rift of Aln at the center. Each zone reflects one of the four continents of Azeroth, with features recognizable from the current world and those lost to the sundering. No large settlements can be found, but odd ruins brought in from other layers of the dream can be found broken through by the taint of the Nightmare. The borders of the world are the dream mountains, with a misty barrier that prevents players from flying too far from the explorable area. From almost everywhere in the dream, the Grand World Tree Omnidrassil can be seen standing tall over the center, connecting itself as the roots of all other world trees in Azeroth. As with legion, each area will scale to the player except for the last zone, Rift of Aln.

  • Dream of Kalimdor (109-125)
  • Dream of the Eastern Kingdoms (109-125)
  • Dream of Northrend (109-125)
  • Dream of Pandaria (109-125)
  • Rift of Aln (125)

Between exploration, Players can rest in the Lost City of Memories, a Titan city built on the edge of the dream where it was believed they worked to shape the dream itself. Players will find all they need, with areas sectioned off for the Aliance and Horde as well as their class orders where they can prepare for adventure.



  • Memory Skyscraper
    • Travel into the largest Building in the Lost City of Memories as you descover more about the history of the dream and nightmare, fighting against the titanic defense systems to learn more.
    • 7 Boss Raid (3 LFR wings)
  • Emerald Palace
    • Ysera's base within the dream, willed to form by the branches of Omnidrassil. With the owner away, the Twilight's Hammer has converted the former aspect's home into their own stronghold.
    • 10 Boss Raid (4 LFR Wings)

The Nightmare

Corruption that twists and deforms the dream. Stories of it's origins vary from person to person, but it is assumed by many to be of Old God origin. Tainting any that come into contact, it spreads through the dream to break into Azeroth and destroy it. Once felled by Malfurion and sealed in the Rift of Aln, it has broken free with the emergence of the Legion. While the heroes of Azeroth dealt with the invasion, the Nightmare prepaired for its final push.

Forces of the Nightmare

Under the flag of the Emerald Nightmare, many fores have gathered to bring about the destruction of Azeroth.

  • Twilight's Hammer
    • Leader: Decus Blooden

The Twilight's Hammer cult has plagued Azeroth for years, working behind the scenes to bring about the end of the world. Splintered at the Hour of Twilight, the various sects have worked in secret to start agian what Deathwing failed. However, over the years the small groups have come togeather again under a new master, a corrupted Worgen Druid known as Decus Blooden. He has lead the cult into the dream to spread the corruption further and further...

  • Druids of the Nightmare
    • Leader: None

Most druids work together to protect the dream from corruption. However, some have been grasped by the Nightmare and turned against their brethren. Minds broken and their bodies seemingly under control of some other force, they are used by the Twilight's Hammer as living weapons.

  • Nightmare Dragonflight
    • Leader: Nocturnous

Over thousands of years, Emerald dragons and their eggs have vanished from under the nose of Ysera. Unaware of their disappearance, the Emerald dragons could do nothing to prepare for their brethren to emerge from the Nightmare as corrupted beings intent on bringing about the will of the nightmare. Lead by the lost son of Ysera, they spread chaos and destruction throughout the dream wherever they go.

  • The Nymphin
    • Leader: Unknown

Strange almost alien creatures that seem in tune with the nightmare. They travel across the Dream to spread the energies they wield. Living for thousands of years at a time, they mutter incomprehensible words as they move about. They work as equals with the Twilight's hammer, but many within the ranks believe the Nymphin and their master may be pulling the strings...

New Races

Alliance: High Elves

The high elves of Quel'thalas have had it rough for the past few years; much of their race killed off by the Scourge, and most of the remains turning towards the Horde for refuge. Those that remain loyal to the alliance are small in number, but they bring with them a loyalty that can not be denied. Recently, many have sought out aid from their hated rivals, the Night elves, as they fight the Nightmare to retake the area around the Dalaran Crater for their own.

  • Faction: Silver Refugees
  • Leaders: Alleria and Vereesa Winderunner
  • Mount: Elven Horse
  • Language: Thalassian (High Dialect)
  • Racial Traits:
  • Classes
    • Death Knight
    • Demon Hunter
    • Druid
    • Hunter
    • Mage
    • Monk
    • Paladin
    • Priest
    • Rogue
    • Warrior

Horde: Nightfallen

The Nightborne, a race of Night elves that have lived within Surumar City for thousands of years after the sundering, have fluroushed in secret under the energies of their Nightwell. However, many exiles were left cut off from this magic, becoming known as the Nightfallen as they struggle to find new sources of arcane energy to stave off becoming a withered. After the invasion of the Legion, many have searched for a new source out in the world while being hunted by the nightmare. Unexpectedly, the Blood elves, reminded of their own fate, have opened their arms and allowed the mana starved elves to live along side them.

  • Faction: Nightfallen Survivers
  • Leader: None (Sworn allegiance to Lor'themar Theron)
  • Mount: Manasaber
  • Language: Suramaran
  • Racial Traits:
  • Classes:
    • Demon Hunter
    • Druid
    • Hunter
    • Mage
    • Monk
    • Paladin
    • Priest
    • Rogue
    • Warlock
    • Warrior