User:Tbirdraider/Ripgut Doomhammer

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
HordeRipgut Doomhammer
Image of Ripgut Doomhammer
Title Warlord of The Dark Horde, The Blackrock Bastard
Gender Male
Race(s) Orc
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Bloodfury Clan, Clan Blackrock, and Dark Horde
Occupation Warlord of the Dark Horde, Chieftain of the Blackrock clan
Location Stonewatch Keep in the Redridge Mountains
Status Alive
Relative(s) Gul'dann (Uncle/Father) and countless Bastards
Companion(s) Cheyanni (Personal Assistant)and countless whores
I will not see the death of my people! Fuck Rend and his dying beliefs! All Azeroth will bow to the Old Horde, the Dark Horde!!!"

Ripgut Doomhammer, also known as the Blackrock Bastard, was born of the Firebrand Orcs in Lower Blackrock Spire in the heart of Hordemar, the first great Horde city. Born a proud orc of the Blackrock Clan this charismatic enigma leads his Army from Stonewatch Keep raping and pillaging Alliance and new Horde both, (Though a recent agreement has been made with new Warchief Garrosh Hellscream ans ceased attacks of Horde cities.) With an ironfist and a fun heart Ripgut leads his ever growing army to conquer and control ALL of Azeroth.


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

The Prophecy

Main article: User:Ripgut/The Unforgiven: The Tale of The Blackrock Bastard

“The lil’ shit is ripping me apart! Titan’s damn this lil’ bastard!!!” The towering stone walls were decorated in large red flags that hung down with a symbol of a Mountain on them. An orc woman lies in a small tent deep in the bowels of Blackrock Mountain screaming for her very life. “God damn you Orgrim! It feels like I’m shitting a Tauren!!” A nearby orcess wipes the brow of the birthing woman with a cool damp rag, “Shhh it going to be alright.” The woman sat legs spread open and writhing in pain, “Fuck you, motherless bitch! It feels like an Ogre coming out!! What the hell is this damned thing!?” The bedside woman simply patted the other down and was most patient. She stood close with a large cloth sheet and prepared to deliver the baby of her close friend. “Gromga please be careful, if this is really the son of Orgrim, we could never let anyone else know. Rend would see this child flayed on a spit for carrying the name of Doomhammer on,” the patient orcess looked around cautiously to make sure no one heard her. “Besides this one may be the prophecy that your psychotic warlock brother mumbled about.”

Rise of the Machine

Gul'dan "submitting" to Doomhammer.

The demon stares at his master and follows his next commands, “Come Jhuuroon. I must bring Korgrim. I will need him to help me save his mother as I saw her being dragged into this tunnel by two Firebrand guards. I don’t have his strength and will bring him here quickly but just too late. May this fire burn in his heart until it extinguishes and becomes black as char. The boy will need the only family he has left.” Placing his robes back on himself he ties them into place. “With time this child I have drawn in, my whipping boy done wrong. Deprived of all his thoughts, the young orc struggles on and on. He'll know a vow unto his own, that never from this day. His will I'll take away!”

Man's Best Friend

Orgrim Doomhammer

Tears began to well up in the boys eyes as he looked down to the cutest little fluffy butt he had ever seen. A bundle of joy that was all he looked forward to, other than murdering his mother’s killers. As he felt the tears well up he slapped himself across the face and roared. Raging seemed to be the only emotion that kept him from crying. He closed his eyes and vision his father, strong and proud. He would honor his father and uncle if it meant taking the ONE thing in this world he loved. Young Korgrim hasn’t lived a decade yet, and the only two things he had ever felt the emotion they call love towards; were about to both abandon him. A slap across the face opened his eyes back up as he looked up to his uncle he was unrecognizable. His skin seemed a reddish purple, and he swore he saw horns sprout from his cranium. He would honor his father at all costs. He squeezed his hands firmly and felt his best friend kick and wiggle in his strong grip. It yelped and barked trying to bite at the boy, but his grip was too strong. Under a thin layer of fur the boy felt the bones crunch in his hands, the pup kicked and yelped again. Then without any control over himself the young boy squeezed the pup until its eyes bulged out. Korgrim looked down at his dead puppy, and bit into his tiny skull. Gar’dann stood watching the boy with his hand under his robes, a constant movement of garment from the hand underneath. “Yes boy! Eat that fucking whelp! Nourish your body boy! MEAT!! You will grow strong from eating meat! Animals are MEAT not pets! NOW EAT!!!! Korgrim ate his best friend. With each bite he felt sick to his stomach, so sick he couldn’t hold it back, he vomited chunks of brain, blood, and fur on the cold hard floor before him. He saw stars from the heavy slap on the back of his head as he sat looking at the gore. The commands to ‘EAT’ as his face was smashed into the mess on the floor, he regurgitated nearly as fast as he ate, handfuls of gore dripping between his fingers as he ate, holding back every tear he could. He HATED his uncle for this, was he really sorry for buying him the puppy or was it his sick plan, he did not care anymore. Eating his own vomit and swallowing his best friend down changed something in the back of his mind. He did not know what it was at the time. Remorse. He lost the will to fight his emotions. What he FELT and what he had to do, were two different things. Without a tear in his eye the young Korgrim looks up to his uncle. “What I feel, What I know. Will never never shined through in what I've show! I’ll Never be, I’ll Never see, Won't see what might have been!

Never free Never me So I dub thee Unforgiven.”

Like an Animal

Orgrim Doomhammer

Korgrim looked at his uncle in utter confusion, “Why are we doing this uncle? What’s the…” His words were cut short by his uncle’s reply. Gar’dann wiped his hand across his forhead and gathered all the sweat that condensed and flung it on the woman. “Shut up boy! You are becoming a man!” “Well that was yummy, just the sweetspot I needed after a hearty meal. Now it’s your turn to eat. Gar’dann grabbed the boy by the back of his head and kicked him in the back of his knee. Dropping to his knees the boy watched the large woman open her legs wide. The sweet smell that filled his nostrils earlier now flooded in like he was drowning. It was a first time seeing a woman this way, he was nervous and unsure what to feel when he felt his face smash against the soft and moist slit between the woman’s legs. The warlock returned to his seat and drank some strange looking glass filled with a bubbling green liquid. It was sweet, this part of a woman he thought to himself. He took a lick and liked it, it was wet like no food he ever ate and sweet like nothing he ever tasted. He took another lick and the woman reached down and spread her folds open with her fingers. “Pay special attention to the man in the boat.” She said smiling down at him. Korgrim had not the slightest idea what she meant but he enjoyed it. His large hands and strong grip grabbed the woman’s inner thighs and opened them wider. He was unsure of the motions he should make but he noticed the woman groan in ecstacy and just continued. As he paused every so often to breath in the sweet smell he felt blood swell in his cock once more. He looked up to the woman who’s face he could not see past her round belly, standing up the boy pointed down at his hard cock and grinned. Barbakka moaned and leaned her hips forward, “I want you to fuck me like an animal!

Die! 1 by 1

“Isn’t it ironic.” The warlock dropped his robes to the ground and exposed himself. “Just as this boy took every sacred thing from you and I in a dark, damp hallway; here we are again.” Korgrim was unsure why his uncle dropped his robes but he didn’t care. He swung a short fist down into the orcs bloody orifice where his ear once was, as he finished swallowing his ear. “These were but three Korgrim. We still have three more to find, but this one right here. We will not kill this one.” “The Fuck we won’t!!” Kor snapped in anger at his uncle. But his uncle only smiled in a twisted and ghastly smile. “There are some things worse the death boy. Though our hearts ache at the loss of Gromga, nephew, she would have lived a life of pain and suffering if they let her live. That is why we let this one live. He has one ear and one eye, by your hands. Now I will take the only thing he has left. His dignity…” Gar’dann grabbed the young, one eyed, one eared orc, by his ponytail and lifted him to his feet, though his body crumbled to the floor. Stepping back the warlocks hands circled again and this time a felguard stepped forth. “Jhuuroon, this bitch needs your strong arms to stay…. Up.” The hunk of a demon lifted the boy and held him face first against the wall, while Gar’dann reached down and ripped the boys pants down to his ankles. “I want you to watch this boy!” Gar’dann looked back to his nephew. Korgrim watched indeed. And as he watched his uncle fuck this screaming and crying child, he felt no pity. “I know your right Uncle, you will not show him mercy.” Korgrim gathered himself and for the first time noticed he had sliced himself in several places throughout the struggle. “I do not care if I show them mercy Uncle, I will slaughter every last one of them. They will all……

Die; one by one…

After the Mountain

Bloodfury Clan


Clan Blackrock

blah blah

Dark Horde

blah blah blah


Doomhammer artwork from Shadows & Light.



hy opponent.[1]

Doomhammer’s Plate

This half-plate armor was, of course, once worn into battle by the mighty Doomhammer. The armor is a black iron and mithril alloy, giving the armor an overall dull black appearance.[2]

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It used to be worn by Thrall, now it should be placed within Orgrimmar as the part of orcish culture.[3] In an alternate timeline, Aedelas Blackmoore was the one to defeat Doomhammer at Blackrock Spire. He had the armor reforged to fit a human, and wore it as the King of Lordaeron.

Cultural references

The name "RIPGUT" comes from an Underground Rapper and creator of the "Horrorcore" genre, Brotha Lynch Hung. Ripgut the Cannibal
