User:Stormcub/The Necromancer

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There are alot of good RPG's and alot of bad RPG's. The good RPGs stand out due to certin stuff. Most of the time, its the classes in the game that make the game. Alot of the good RPGs have a certin class, that makes then worth playing. And that class is the Necromancer. WOW dosnt have this class. Im not saying its not worth playing, im just saying it would be better. I have an idea for the Necromancer class for WOW


Back in the first War, Gul'dan and his Necrolytes founded a skill to Raise Skeletons and Undead. They called this skill Necromancy. That was a long time ago.


It first started out to be a next Core Class, but I might change it to a Hero Class later on. **I changed it to a Hero Class for my World of Warcraft - Afterlife Expansion Idea so no Race restrictions. If not a Hero Class, then the Race Restrictions apply.**



The Humans thought they mastered the Magic Arts. Little did they know that there was a Magic Art that they didnt know about until something went amiss and something grave got unleashed.


Before they got curses, they were still Humans. They were Mages, Warlocks and Necromancers. Even after the curse, they decided to keep studing them. Some became Druids to try to find a Cure. Some still looked into the Dark Arts. Some for Revenge, Some for a Cure through Death.


A Darweven Clan studied the Chaos Energy and Demonlogy. Some seeked more than to command the Summons of the Warlock. Some seeked to command the Death. Those who seeked to command Death were outcasted. Some prooved themselves worthy of joining the clan for the non crupt.



Gul'dan, to say, founded Necrology so it got passed on for generations and generations.


The Orcs Shared the Infromation with their Brotheren, the Trolls.


The Lich King had a lot of power over the Warlocks and the Necromancers. His regin ended and his power over them dwindled to nothing. They decided to turn on The Lich King.



Wands, Daggers, Maces, Unarmed, Swords and Duel Wield at Level 20


Cloth, Leather at level 20, Chain at level 40



Basic attack spell. Dose good damage but takes health to cast. Level 1 Bone Shard will deal X damage while you take X damage also. The Bone Spells come in AOE Spells also. Level 14 Bone Claw will Stun and Snare Target for Y time while you take X damage ECT. Basic spells for damage. Deals good damage but at the cost of Health.

Level 1 Bone Shard Shoots the target for X Damage Takes Z health to cast

Level 6 Bone Spike Shoots the target for X Damage with a 50% Bleed Affect. ( 50% it hits you get the affect, 50% it hits it dosnt get the affect) Takes Z Health to cast

Level 10 Bone Claw Snares target for Y time. Takes Z Health to cast

Level 18 Bone Blast Channeled Blasts the target X Damage over Y Seconds Takes Z Health to cast

Level 23 Bone Barrage AOe All targets within W Radis deals X Damage for Y Time. Takes Z Health to cast

Level ?? Bone Armor Raises Armor by ?? Lasts until cancelled. Takes Z health to cast

If your finishing blow with a Bone Spell kills something/someone then you gain a 50% chance to pick up a Bone Regimnt. The main idea of Bone Regiments (Bone Shards) are for example...your main Skeleton have some Bones at your can make a simple Minion for the time being...until you are able to raise your Skeleton/Abomination. Once Raised ur Skeleton, your minion dies. 5 Bone Shards = 1 Bone 10 Bones = 1 Body 3 Skull Shards = 1 Skull 1 Body + 1 Skull = Minion Bone Shards are verry uncommon,so they drop alot. You can also buy a special Bone Bag for your invenotry. you can experiment with diffrent small minions for a diffrent minion play. ;) Also, some Spells costs Bone Shards along with the normal Health

Curses and Plagues

When you think of Curses, you think of Warlock's Curses. Necromancer's Cruses work diffrently than Warlock's Cruses. When you Curse something, the Curse is only at 1/2 power. To maximize the power of the Curse, you need a Plague. The Curses are a catalyst for the Plagues. For Ex, When you cast Curse of Inpending Doom, then cast Plague of the Demon, the Curse will have added power along with the effects of Plague of the Demon. No two Curses and Plagues will act the same. Meaning NO two Curses will have the same outcome as another Curse on a Plague. And vice-versa.


The basic DPS spells. When you cast a Curse, it will do only do 1/2 damage. To get the full affect, you need to cast a Plague. The plague adds the other 1/2 damage.

Level 1 Curse Curse of 1 DPS Deals X Damage for Y Seconds

Level 5 Curse Curse of 2 Slow Slows target for Y Time

Level 9 Curse Curse of 3 Snare Snares the target for Y Time

Level 14 Curse Curse of 4 Lifesteal Deals X Damage for Y Time and returning it to you

Level 17 Curse Curse of 5 Manasteal Deals X Damage to Mana for Y Time and retrning it to you JUST USING FOR EXAMPLE


The other 1/2 of the DPS. Level 3 Plague Plague of 1 DPS Deals Additional X Damage for Y Seconds

Level 7 Plague Plague of 2 Fear Makes Target run away in Fear for Y Seconds

Level 11 plague Plague of 3 Stun Stuns Target for Y Seconds

Level 15 Plague Plague of 4 Manasteal Steals targets mana and transfers it to you

Level 17 Plague Plague of 5 Lifesteal Steals Targets life and transfers to you REMEMBER!!! THIS IS ONLY FOR EXAMPLE!!!

You can use Curse of 2 Slow with Plague of 1 DPS to have a total affect of Slow Target for Y Seconds while Target takes X Damage for Y Seconds or Curse of 3 Snare with Plague of 4 Lifesteal for an affect of Steal X Health for Y Time while Snare for Z Time returning health to you... thats just a few types of Curses and Plagues you will get. Remember that the Curses and Plagues i used were for EXAMPLE to better explane the Curse and Plague mechanics it sounds like the Warlock Life tap, Mana Tap, Fear, and what not but its not...i used as EXAMPLE


Raise Undead/Skeleton

Your main Raise Spells.

Raise Skeleton Fighter

The weekest of the Skeleton types. He is Malee starting out with an Old Dagger. When the Skeleton levels up, he will gain new Weapon Proficiencies. To use them, the Necromancer will need the required weapon of choice. You will equip the Skeleton with the required weapon. When the Skeleton dies, he wont loose the weaopn he has. Gained at Level 1

Raise Skeleton Ranger

The normal one of the Skeleton types. He is Range DPS. As he levels up, he will gain new Shots/Stings. When you first Raise him, he only has 100 Arrows and an Old Bow. You will need to equip him with stronger Arrows and Bows, just like how you equip the Skeleton Fighter. Gained at Level 7

Raise Skeleton Mage

The strongest of the Skeleton types. He is Magic DPS and uses Unholy or/and Chaos Energy. As he levels up, he gains new and stronger spells. Gained at level 16

Raise Abomination

Your main pet.


Normal malee with some magic spells.

Bone Graff

When you kill something, you hightlight the corpse and you click Bone Graff. A paper doll status equip screen will come up. You will choose between Head, Top Torso, Right Arm, Left Arm, Bottom Torso, Right Leg, Left Leg and Tail. You will highligh one of them. When you do, you will exit the screen and your Abomination will be permanetly altered. Bone Graff will change the stats and ablities.

Skin Graff

Same as above. Same paper doll status equip screem come up. But insted of changing/altering of stats, it will change/alter the appearence for a more special talk on the Abomination

Class Mount

Gained at level 20 for 1 Gold and also teaches them the 75 Riding Skill

Level 20 Raises a Rotting Agam'ar with more bone showing. ;) 60% Riding Speed

Level 40 Raises a really fast Rotting Agam'ar with even more bone showing :) 100% Riding Speed Cost 2 Gold



Makes Bone Spells more effecent while casting costs less health

  • 41 Talent

Bone _____??

Damages Target for X Damage 25% Chance of Fear 10 seconds 25% Chance of Snare 10 seconds 25% Chance of Stun 10 seconds 25% Chance of Slow 10 seconds

  • 51 Talent

Bone Golum

Raises a Bone Golum to fight by your side for Y Seconds. Takes 30-40% of total Health to cast. When Raised, Bone Golum will use own Bone Spells. All attacks that hit from the Bone Golum will add to your Health. Same as you, when he casts a Bone Spell, it reduces its health. When its health gets to 0, he Explodes ;) dealing AOE Damage


Focus of Curses and Plagues

  • 41 Talent

Curse of the Elements?

Dps that dose Nature, Ice, Fire and Shock Damage

  • 51 Talent

Plague of ??



Deals with your Skeletons and Abomination

  • 41 Talent

Raise Undead Pet

You kill an animal, you Raise Undead version of it. Only Melee pets or something of the sort.

  • 51 Talent

Skeleton Army

Level 1 you Raise 1 Skeleton Level 30 you Raise 2 Skeletons Level 60 you Raise 3 Skeletons Level 90 you raise 4 Skeletons

  • The Trade Off

When you have 1 Skeleton Raised, it dose normal 100% Damage. When you have 2 Skeletons Raised, it scales down to 50% and 50% Damage When you have 3 Skeletons Raised, it scales down to 30% 30% 30% Damage When you have 4 Skeletons Raised, it scales down to 25% 25% 25% 25% Damage So when a Necromancer with 4 Skeletons comes to a Necromancer with 1 Skeleton, the Necro with 4 Skeletons isnt overpowered