User:Stormcub/The Avatar

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The Avitar



Max level Shaman Then a quest line to make it available to all other races


Cloth, Leather, Mail Level 50, Plate 80


Unarmed, Pole-arms, Fists, Daggers, Swords and Maces

Character Creation


At Character Creation, you choose 3 out of 4 Elements:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Air
  • Earth

Then the Character Creation asks you of the 3 Elements you choose, what talent will be linked with it. example You can choose any 3 elements for whatever Ex Avatar 1 Fire dps Earth healing Air tank Avatar 2 Fire tank Water healing Air dps

Glyhs/Pulsing Tattoos

After you choose 3 Elements, you choose your Glyhs/Pulsing Tattoos You choose where to place your Pulsing Tattoos on your body from

  • Head
  • Back
  • Legs
  • Feet
  • Torso
  • Arms
  • Hands

then you choose the color of your Glowing Eyes/Pulsing Tattoo(s) and Design of your Pulsing Tattoo(s) for more than 1 Pulsing Tattoo, you can have different colors of Tattoos ex One blue tat on face and one Red tat on back

  • Note You cant put armor over Pulsing Tattoos so if you put Pulsing Tattoo over hand you cant put armor on that hand.


Top half of body is normal, bottom half of body is like a twister. ex. Taz(moving-twister thing) with a Human torso or NE torso when you get into a building you get legs when you leave you get the twister thing when Mounted you get ur legs wouldnt that be awesome?


Basic DPS, Melee and Healing or of the sort

Dps 15 - Summon Elemental summons an Elemental to fight for you lasts until canceled or killed

30 - Turns into Elemental Form Last until canceled

  • Note If turned into Fire Elemental then Fire Spells has little or no effect

Melee 15 - Summon Elemental summons an Elemental to fight for you lasts until canceled or killed

30 - Turns into Elemental Form Last until canceled

  • Note If turned into Water Elemental then Water Spells has little or no effect

Healing 15 - Summon Elemental summons an Elemental to fight for you lasts until canceled or killed

30 - Turns into Elemental Form Last until canceled

  • Note If turned into Water Elemental then Water Spells has little or no effect on the Avatar


Elemental Essence At level 80,Essence pool is 100 Talented Mastery pool goes up to 150 If Spec'd in Healing then 150 Healing 100 Dps 100 Melee

  • Note All Abilities Use Elemental Essence

  • note Each different Elemental summon has different Powers/Attacks

Depending on what Element you choose for Healing, thats what kind of Heal you get. EX Fire Healing would be Diffrent than Water Healing.

  • Fire - HoTs
  • Water - AoE
  • Earth - Chain
  • Wind - ?