User:StarNeptune/Axe of the Deep Woods Jokes

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This article is an information page for the Skullcrusher realm (server)

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Usually occurring around midnight or 1 AM (server time) in the Alliance Trade channel on the Skullcrusher server (although it may happen at any time of day), people spam [Axe of the Deep Woods] as part of an ongoing joke.

The joke started when someone actually tried to sell it through the trade channel, but some other people took the link and either made Chuck Norris-type jokes regarding the axe or would just randomly insert the link in the middle of the conversation [i.e. "Yeah, so I went to Axe of the Deep Woods to get some Axe of the Deep Woods. It was great."]

While funny to some people, there are others who would rather the spamming of the axe stop. There have been many requests made by these people for GM intervention, but as of now the joke continues.

See also