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Dear Spilled as you advance in levels...

  1. Yes Renta is crazy, but in a good way. Follow him to the plaguelands. And don't forget to use innervate on him. A lot. Later they will fix it so you could have hit stuff that far above you, but meanwhile you will become the queen of resto.
  2. Do the swift flight quest chain as soon as you find it. You like swift flight! And it will save you money, lots of money.
  3. I repeat, You Like Healing. Don't let the fact that random souls pick on heals when their DPS is so cool that they pull sooner than the tank and almost die REGARDLESS of your fast saves to swiftness+heal them get you down. After they do this twice more, the tank is about to whisper you to let him die, anyway, just to teach him the lesson.
  4. As weird as it seems when you think of it, spec'ing "whatever works to make Nexus and VH easy runs" actually works for you. Good plan. You enjoy the results. So do many tanks across the ages.
  5. When you eventually dual spec feral just concentrate on Bear. You suck at Cat even though your catform is gorgeous (you end up only using it to pop Dash and chase fast tanks around dungeons) because all you practice on is Bear anyway. When you want to be a rogue you'll roll a beautiful belf rogue and like her. You're a fine Bear and good at defending your friends.
  6. When you discover addons you find auctioneer and outfitter. Look at this thing called Grid. It's not a waste spending a couple hours tuning it and its little extra modules.
  7. Bad players in good gear do not manage as well as good players in good gear. You're a good player. Get good gear. Outfitter helps you juggle it. You use this to make your out of combat mana regen good enough that you succeed even when...
  8. The LFD tool they add makes for a lot of rude players. And every dungeon becomes a speed run. There are nice people out there too. Just run with it.