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Dear Spilled at level 1

Your hair is lovely, keep it silver always.

0. Yes, you do end up liking the game :D

  1. There's these things called bags. Get some as soon as elvenly possible. Buying them is ok. It's worth it.
  2. Play more with hubby's hunter, or you two end up massively mismatched in levels so fast you won't dungeon together.
  3. You Like Healing.
  4. Evil Tuesdays they shut down the servers. This reminds you to go get some sleep. :)
  5. When you get to a city, check out this thing called the auction house. You will do well in money AND decide to run a "bank alt" mage - who will immediately become your fun mage alt to blast things with. Stick to the small stuff.
    1. Evil Tuesdays mean the AH has no customers for 5 hours straight. or 14. Blizz is not good about predicting when their maint window ends.
  6. You eventually discover there are websites about WoW with an occasionally useful fragment of information here and there. Ask Dad about 'em now. They make fun reading when servers are down.
  7. Tune your video settings. Caves are horrible unless you do. At least now when you get lost in the pesky caves you will be able to see.
  8. You think now that you'll only ever have time for one character. Upgrade that to "at a time". You'll discover the wonders of keybinding all 6 action bars completely so your similar abilities are in the expectable keys.
  9. More of your real world friends and contacts play this game than you know. This is a good thing.
  10. Explore more. Hubby finds more "silver frame" monsters than anyone else in the known universe and they drop good loot.
  11. Murlocs run off for help and almost always find some. Stop runners!