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"gearing up" - not everyone has been in the game for 6 years and even knows what this entails.

If you want to gear up at the Auction House, get used to being a homebody instead of roaming the beautiful world Blizz painted for us, because the really cool gear is overpriced and the mobs really just don't drop that much gold - so you'll spend a lot of time ka-chinging with the AH NPCs buying low and selling high. Also some of the best stuff is Bind on Pickup and you won't find it there.

If you want to gear up by going and getting it yourself, you need to actually PLAN which dungeons and bosses to go after, and go a lot til you get the drop. The Looking For Dungeon eye doesn't encourage planning; it encourages randoms, and take-what-you-get, because randoms reward you with blues til you're bigger, and Justice Points after. The kind of people you meet in it 85% of the time don't encourage planning either; If you can win the boss, they don't care how haphazardly it was managed.

VERY RARE is the LFD group who's willing to kill all trash and do a No Loot Left Behind run, to take what world-drops may come of that too. Much more rare, I daresay, than finding nice people among the random souls of LFD. I've met plenty of nice people, but I've met a lot more 'ok lets do this' who are neither mean nor nice, it's not even a game really for those, it's a required element of the job of gearing up via dungeoning.

If you can't win the boss... some just quit, they'll zone in a half hour later, they don't care about you anyway; others will throw tomatoes first. A few will at least give it two or three shots - mayyybe four: one for Fail, one for uh-k here's the strategy now try doing it, two for ok now that you *get it* let's do it right. They met the somewhat rarer soul who treated it more purely: I'm here to win a boss, it's a team challenge - I accept the greater challenge now presented, to win it with what I've been given, so I won't give up til we do. (In the real world that man has to face, he doesn't get spirit heals or resurrection as an option. In Azeroth we do, so the tools he was given included infinite ammo.)

If you gear merely by taking the best that questing gives you, and you quest a lot instead of level via Archaeology, you might be not half bad, but you WILL be in greens.