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Ghost Searching

There are rumors / blue posts that say there are old things in the game that have never been discovered. NPCs or quests that have never been completed. There are a few odd items that will allow a player to see things in the world that cannot be seen under normal conditions and I believe these might be the key to finding these rumored undiscovered things.

I am currently trying to search for undiscovered (or at least undocumented) ghosts using the  [Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer] and have been searching various hidden / out of the way areas with it activated.

I have also found documentation that a priest can equip the epic trinket from molten core, Eye of Divinity, and see a few ghosts throughout the world. How convenient, my main character is a priest, I shall have to acquire one of these for my research. - Aug 26, 2009

After speaking with Bodley and hearing his whole story I'm beginning to think there might not be more ghosts to find with the Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer because all the ones that have been found so far are directly related to the incident with the veiled blade, and there don't seem to be any other loose ends. Either way, I plan to keep it activated at all time just in case. SmashAdam (talk) 16:58, 28 August 2009 (UTC)

Locations I've searched with Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer

Location Zone
Arathi Highlands Dwarven Farm Arathi Highlands
Wetlands Farm Wetlands
Ironforge Airstrip Dun Morogh
Shatterspear Village Darkshore
Nova Shrine Netherstorm