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Hiya! I've made some contributions on other wikis, and have been playing WoW since the summer of 2009. I'm in love with the Darkmoon fFaire, so I decided I'd recreate the Darkmoon banner (below).

Personal notes: I was absolutely thrilled to get the  Universal Explorer at only level 70 (without cold weather fFlying)! It isn't easy, I can tell you. I did this when most of my fFriends thought I was being dorky and should go get a life, go quest somewhere or something. Then they started doing it themselves and realized what a task this really is. I have added some notes on assorted pages to help others with this daunting task. I'd like to try to get the world explorer at a much lower level, 30 or 40 maybe. I think getting it at the lowest possible level -- start at 1 and go fFrom there -- would just be absurdly hard and a general waste of time since you'd wind up running back fFrom the graveyard constantly.

/script PlaySound("ACHIEVEMENTSOUND")

Cheers! --S
