User:Shammiesgun/A Night at the Deepwater Tavern

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
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First Mate Fitzsimmons.jpg
Deepwater Tavern flooded.jpg

All take a seat,

light up the logs.

Come gather around,

share the hogs.

A tale I'll tell,

one well known.

Out of town,

the north zone.

The Third Fleet burned,

under the dragon's breath.

Many were roasted,

only one escaped death.

First of the mates,

Fitzsimmons was he.

The event scarred him,

nightmares he couldn't flee.

He drowned his sorrows,

at this very inn.

Until one day,

he had white skin.

Buried at the grave,

but only his body.

The curse wasn't lifted,

very close to foggy.

Seeing him outside,

isn't really new.

He'll ask for mead,

he wants some brew.

Glorin Steelbrow.jpg

Don't you listen,

to what he'll say.

Sending you outside,

to become prey.

May he find rest,

even if I doubt.

I am Glorin Steelbrow,

now pass the trout.