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Notice how the gnome is not moving...
What's that boy? Nothing? Ok.
I do not even know where to start with this one.

Should we do something with WoWWiki:Community teams? They were redone once already.


None of them really convene anymore, and most are unused.

Revive them?

Perhaps, but most users edit as they see fit, with no specialization or coordination beyond generic open discussions (and policy, of course). It would have to be a new set of teams that are sure to stay active.

Just delete them then.

You would like that, wouldn't you? No, it is not a good idea. Just deleting them would leave a mess, so content could possibly be merged into various policies and guidelines. The team pages have grandfathered criteria for many aspects of WoWWiki, which are not written elsewhere. Do not get me started on the dead links and broken redirects. Some may warrant archives. The teams that are defunct could be grandfathered.

