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Druid of the Talon TCG.jpg

Druidism is the practice of nature, astral, and minor elemental magic by the races of Azeroth.

Certain races are capable of full scale druidism, which varies by culture. Other races and cultures use minor druidism as harvest-witches or naturalists.

Druidism includes a variety of skills and abilities, including dominion over nature, ranged spellcasting, physical shapeshifting, and blessings such as boons and marks. Naturalist Bite fortifies others with his boon called the Mark of Bite, and Ralaar granted sentinels the [Mark of the Wild] while working with them.

Some practitioners are better at some aspects than others. Zen'kiki had difficulty with shapeshifting, and became a healer instead. Others excel at shapeshifting, and become shapeshifters.


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Druidism can be used to commune with and take the forms of animals via shapeshifting. Druids may grow close to certain wild gods, who can grant their disciples visions, claim a mortal as their champion, or grant other blessings. Vydhar can understand ravens. Akaridal can call dinosaurs to aid him.


Lunar and solar magic are often used in druidism.


Minor elemental magic is used in druidism. Some druids are known to use wind, earth, fire, and water.

Many druidic practices draw from wild gods, many of which utilize elemental magic. Ursol and Ursoc are bear gods known to use earthen shamanism, which is reflected in some stone bear forms. Goldrinn uses lightning.

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Druidism can be used to control, communicate with, and encourage the growth of plants.

Druidism can be used to grow trees to titanic proportions, such as Teldrassil or Vordrassil. Druids have used roots, vines, and branches to restrain their enemies.

Trees have spirits and exist in the Emerald Dream, are sentient, and have names. Grass can only communicate simple thoughts, while trees can hold conversation, albeit slowly.

Vegetal druidism can be used to fortify skin, becoming as tree bark. In addition to animal forms, shapeshifting may include the form of a treant or ancient. Vydhar became a tree entirely, thanks to Highmountain tauren druids. Malfurion Stormrage turned Xavius into a tree.

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Unlike the path of the mage or warlock, druidism draws its power from a close bond with the spirits of nature, and is thus often varies per race by their religion and culture.

Night Elf




Kul Tiran


Brazie the Botanist





Druid of the Antler

Druid of the Claw

Druid of the Fin

Druid of the Grove

Druid of the Moon

Druid of the Pack

Druid of the Talon




