Redmane Pack

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

The Redmane Pack is a small group of worgen within the Nightbane pack in Duskwood, lead by Raedolf "Redmane" Yaeger.

NeutralRedmane pack
Roland's Doom.jpg
Roland's Doom
Main leader Raedolf "Redmane" Yeager
Race(s) WorgenWorgen Worgen
Base of operations Deep Woods
Theater of operations Duskwood
Affiliation Independent
Status Active



The founders of the Redmane pack were once part of the La'fae pack, a collective of Gilnean worgen refugees clinging to humanity under Tal'doren.

Whitefang Pack

The founders of the Redmane pack founded the Whitefang Pack, which joined the Cenarion Circle.

Wolfheart Coven

The Whitefang pack took a far more spiritual turn.

Wolfheart Pack

Goldrinn became the new focus of the pack, unknowingly creating tension between the pack and their Cenarion masters. The Cenarion Circle sent the pack to Duskwood, tasked with recruiting worgen there for the Circle, with ambitions of taking over the dark forest for the Circle. Marus, Packleader of the Nightbane, soon after had the Wolfheart pack surrounded for trespassing, and personally killed one of their Cenarion druids with his Scythe.

Darkwood Pack

Believed to be banished from Duskwood and on the run from the Wolf Cult, Raedolf left his daughter in capable hands while he hid for some time in Kul Tiras as a monster hunter. His success and penchant for attracting lost and confused worgen lead to the founding of Yaeger Lodge, growing into Yaeger Hunting Co. as likeminded worgen in disguised joined him on the hunt. The return of an old friend fire mage also lead to conflict with the Heartsbane Coven of Drustvar. The coven destroyed the Yaeger Lodge, while the pack escaped to Deadwind Pass.

Wolf Cult: Witchwood

The Heartsbane Coven became a problem in Duskwood.

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Wolf Cult: Newblood

  • 11-26-10
    • The pack gathered in Duskwood with intent to visit Moonbrook again, but fate had different plans. Raedolf found himself attacked by a rogue wanting money, while the pack investigated humans in the Rotting Orchard killing worgen. Raedolf beat the rogue at his own game, but it escaped to the shadows, leaving Raedolf to investigate the humans with the rest of the pack. Humans and other races were found in a hunting party, and were seen to kill three worgen. The pack confronted the party, who remained ignorant of their crimes of trespassing and murder. A multitude of other humans and other races joined them in the woods, including their leader. Ultimately their leader - a Void Elf Witch - sent the whole group back to Darkshire and agreed to speak with Raedolf and his second there in an hour regarding peace or war. Raedolf and his right hand met with the witch in Darkshire. After much hostility, an understanding was met as Raedolf taught her the truth of the Nightbane people; that we are more than beasts, and that the three worgen men killed were people with families. Raedolf showed her and her second worgen territory on a map of Duskwood, and eased the tension with some really good puns. Ultimately enemy became ally. Or, so it may seem. Time will tell, and three deaths must still be avenged.
      K'thir Occultist.jpg
  • 12-04-19
    • Matters have taken an interesting turn. While my pack and I became distracted by invaders inside the territory, it would seem Moonbrook has found a new master. Two weeks ago, the pack eliminated the Alliance Adventurers occupying the town, intending to take their place as heroes. One week ago, we became distracted with another matter, and another Wolf Cultist was instructed to speak to Moonbrook about the cult and help prepare the willing for initiation. Now with three villagers ready, that Cultist has mysteriously vanished, and my pack has been instructed to return and initiate these aspirants.
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Wolf Cult: Brides of Lycanthoth

The Nightbane Pack was beset by a nearby threat in Deadwind Pass, and the Redmane Pack sought to investigate the source.


Monday night, Linetabe attempted to finish her Ritual of Balance, with the vision of Fury. She failed, however, and was overtaken by a mindless frenzy as a result. Tuesday night, Raedolf had gathered enough of the pack to go after her. The search took them from the den to Brightwood grove, where they lost the scent in the presence of so many worgen. The pack consulted the Nightbane, the villagers of Darkshire, and even the trees, and concluded that she had been seen running to deadwind pass. The pack followed, and found her in her frenzied state. The pack tried and failed to calm her, but, after defending the pack from a surprise ogre attack not unlike those they had seen before, she collapsed from exhaustion.


Recent events have brought new information to light, and the pack suspects these so called "Brides of Lycanthoth" to be operating out of somewhere in Deadwind Pass. It is up to the pack to find out where, and if they can be easily dealt with. Raedolf met with members of the pack at the den to discuss what is known, and how to learn more. Linetabe was seen to be doing much better, albeit shaken and ashamed. Lupyns and Artyom were present as well. When mentioning Lycanthoth, he found himself soon explaining the tale behind the dark spirit. That the servants of darkness summoned him to take Goldrinn's place, but he was killed and Goldrinn lives. If the lore is to be true... the dark spirit cannot be Lycanthoth, but Artyom pointed out that such dark spirits have been rising in the world as of late. The soldier departed just as Stirba the seer arrived. After some talk of spirits, it was decided Stirba's skills as a seer may be the key to determining the true identity of the devil these "Brides of Lycanthoth" follow. Raedolf Linetabe Lupyns and Stirba took to all fours and ran to Deadwind Pass, where the seer began her incantation and the three stood guard, fighting remain focused in spite of the mesmerizing spirit-calling fire. Hours later, Linetabe and Lupyns departed, returning to Duskwood to rest or for their pack duties, leaving Stirba and Raedolf in the pass. Finally, the reluctant specters answered the seer's question, their answer surprising both the seer and the alpha.

Roland's Doom.jpg


Redmane told the pack to meet at Roland's Doom, known as the capital or headquarters of the Nightbane. Packleader Marus and his pack of Shadowstalkers live there, but tonight the area outside the cave was host to many more nightbane than that. Almost as if multiple packs, like our own, were called to gather. The pack found themselves among an increasing number of Nightbane, seeming to be coming out of the woodwork as the night went on. The three major packlords of the Nightbane were there with their packs represented by three or four, being Fenros and his Darkrunners, Nefaru and her Shadowweavers, and Packleader Marus and his Shadowstalkers. So too were representatives of lesser subpacks present, including a group of that looked like city spies, a pack of regal looking druids, and a bloody pack of berserkers. Packleader Marus had called them all here to go over everything the Nightbane Pack as a whole had learned about the Brides of Lycanthoth. At the eventual revelation by the Redmane Pack that this 'Lycanthoth' is, in fact, a dragon, the Nightbane scheduled a 'dragon hunt' for three days from now. Yet Redmane seems less pleased than expected, confusing even his own pack at first, until he shares what weighs on his mind. Hints lead the pack to believe these Brides of Lycanthoth were innocent Mindless Ones among the Nightbane, preyed upon and corrupted. If he and his pack can think of a plan to kill just the dragon, perhaps these dozens of women can be saved. But if not, they will be mowed down in the siege to get to their master.



It has now been four weeks - a full moon cycle - since the attacks began, with portals opening behind territory defenses to send ogre attacks where it hurts. Three weeks since the Redmane Pack discovered the "Lycathoth" responsible has been hypnotizing mindless nightbane women to fill his ranks, that this "Lycanthoth" is in fact a black dragon in disguise, and discovered their location in Deadwind Pass. Two weeks have passed since the Nightbane met, decided something must be done, and declared war on these Brides of Lycanthoth. Since then, the Nightbane Pack has assaulted Deadwind Pass, but between the Ogres, "Brides", and the dark sorcery from "Lycanthoth" himself, the pass has been impregnable, and both sides have suffered heavy losses. And it has been made clear no allies are coming to help... and that the Nightbane must handle this themselves, or be overrun. Redmane, theorizes that if Lycanthoth can be killed, the ogres and women alike can be freed... but the pack must first, somehow, enter the dark den unseen.

  • 2-26-20
    • Finalle

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Wolf Cult: Blood Runs Cold

The pack set its sights on Kul Tiras, the island nation of untapped potential for human recruits, but found something far hungrier had already claimed these hunting grounds.

4-17-20 - Discovery

The pack enters Boralus once again under human guise, to investigate rumors of K'thir and a suspicious club. Using fake aliases, they slip inside, and witness a den of debauchery and lust. But what is more, the pack - though in human form - can sense there is something amiss. Some find a dead body among the passed out in the corner, with a two-dot puncture wound in their neck. Others sense a dark hungry aura, and one can tell that the entertainers are not what they seem. But are they k'thir? The pack retreats to the city's shadows, and discuss what they have found, and what to do about it. The pack's scholars make off to Dalaran for research, while those in the church prepare to scour its archives, and the rest return to Yaeger Lodge or return home to prepare.

4-24-20 - Knock at the door

The pack meets again at Yaeger lodge to compare findings on seductive blood-sucking monsters from their studies, and all seem to point to the vampiric curse. Discussions halted with a knock at the door, and those that opened it greeted a cheerful Guard Burton and a suspicious Lady Clove. The two were reportedly checking on everyone nearby, after large wolf prints were found in Bridgeport. Guardsman Burton nervously watched as Lady Clove - emanating the very same dark aura - exchanged cryptic threats disguised as wellwishes with the undercover cultists. The two left, and the pack came to realize that whatever they had found, had now found them.

5-14-20 - Raising the stakes

The prior night, packlord Redmane had reminded the pack of the vampire issue at hand, making it openly known to the pack, as well as his intentions to stop the vampire plot, whatever it may be. The night after, he was expected to appear at Yaeger lodge, but did not. The pack noticed his belongings were there, but the alpha was not. Clues lead to the Happy Harpy, a suspicious outdoor brothel in uptown Boralus. The pack went to investigate, and found it to be a second den of debauchery with traces of dark auras, and Redmane's scent. The pack attempted to infiltrate disguised as couples, but a strange new pack of worgen descended from the rooftops, making cutting down vampires and any humans that got in their way. If Redmane was there, the vampire matron escaped with him in the chaos. Both packs were forced to flee as the alarm was raised, and the guard called, and Redmane's location remains a mystery.


5-18-20 - Shadow ritual of finding

The pack gathered at the northern Brightwood camp to meet the nightbane shadowstalker assigned to help locate the missing packlord. Together, they reviewed all they knew about the vampire threat, and everything the packlord has left behind. The shadowstalker suggested a ritual used to locate disappeared traitors, and the pack accepted, dispersing to gather the required reagents; Raedolf's shed fur, his crossbow and fanny pack, and his child Brier.

The pack met again in the Rotting Orchard, where they met Craven, a nightbane shadowweaver met once before during the Brides of Lycanthoth invasion some months ago. With a sample of blood from Brier, and the rest of the reagents cast into the fire, the excentric sorcerer lead the pack to offer blood as well to the darkening flames, claiming all magic comes with a price. The pack was warned to step back, but for those prepare to face the vision ahead to step forward to breathe the smoke. The vision that resulted was one of darkness, far more menacing than the mists of the dream, but the night beasts were able to follow the scent through the darkness to a churchyard in what appeared to be a countryside of wicker and thorns. There, the three found different key details. One saw tracks on the road of wagon wheels or carriages, leading to the graveyard. Another found the church itself, which appeared to be a dark monument to sin rather than a house of Light. The third found tombstones with sins written across them, as well as one labeled RUFUS ADOLPHUS YAEGER, with desperate scratchmarks as if something had tried to climb up it, and an open and bottomless grave. They jumped inside, the two others to follow, feeling as if falling down a gullet, and into a maw. The three awoke in reality again soon after to find the pack dispersed for the night, and went their separate ways as well, exhausted or enraged at their findings. But not before another unexpected guest arrived. The image of a siren from Kul Tiras, likewise inquiring as to the packlord's whereabouts, and vowing to return another day.

Wolf Cult: Earthblood


The Redmane Den

Yaeger Lodge