User:Pandasorous/World of Warcraft: Fall of Azeroth

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During the final moments of the Fourth War Sylvanas extracts her final revenge not just on the Alliance but the Horde as well... a mana bomb but not fueled by the Focusing Iris like the original these were fueled by Azerite. Six of the Azerite "Nukes" were used Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Ironforge, Mechagon City, Dazar'Alor, and Suramar. The bombing of Stormwind led to Genn Graymane and others fueled by the deaths of their comrades to find and slaughter all of Sylvanas' loyalist forces resulting in a final battle which destroyed both sides completely. World of Warcraft: Fall of Azeroth


  • Level squish continues as planned... Level Cap is now 70
  • Faction Merge (Alliance and Horde becoming one Faction)
  • Time Jump: World of Warcraft: Aftermath is set 5 years after the events of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
  • New Starting Experience
  • Complete revamp of All World Zones:
    • Eastern Kingdoms:
      • Elwynn Forest and Dun Morogh are in ruins due to the bombing of their respective cities.
      • Complete art update and modernization of remaining zones.
      • Zones are aged to match with Time Jump.
    • Kalimdor:
      • Northern Durotar: in ruins due to the bombing of Orgrimmar.
      • Southern Durotar: regular Durotar with Art Updates.
      • Complete art update and modernization of remaining zones
      • Zones are aged to match with Time Jump.
    • Broken Isles:
      • Suramar is now in ruins due to the bombing.
      • Zones are aged to match with Time Jump.
    • Zandalar/Kul Tiras:
      • Zuldazar is heavily damaged and Dazar'Alor is in ruins due to the bombing.
      • Zandalar and Kul Tiras and aged to match with Time Jump.
    • Pandaria:
      • Aged to match with Time Jump
      • Emperor Shaohao has regained physical form and will guide players in their journey through World of Warcraft: Fall of Azeroth.
  • New Zones (Added in Patch 10.2):
    • Dragon Isles: Wrathion calls champions to this long mysterious island chain in order investigate the manifested presence of the Void.
    • The Lost Isles: Gazlow calls champions to these forgotten islands to investigate the newfound presence of the Light and time anomalies that have formed around the islands.
  • New Capitals:
    • Timeless Isle: after the Fourth War large groups of displaced Horde and Alliance members came here seeking refuge. Emperor Shaohao has decided to lead the refuges helping them to forge a union that would not recreate the past. (Added in patch 10.0)
    • New Stormwind (Alliance Races): located right were the original Stormwind once stood some of the remaining Alliance members have decided to rebuild and reforge their once beloved capital. (Added in patch 10.1)
    • New Orgrimmar (Horde Races): located right were the original Orgrimmar once stood some of the remaining Horde members have decided to rebuild and reforge their once beloved capital. (Added in patch 10.1)


Time Jump:

I felt that to better represent this expansion idea that a time jump could be used to further the narrative without damaging any of the existing story. However you will be given the option to play through which ever expansion you please and World of Warcraft: Fall of Azeroth is basically one big phased instance. (I.E. the Blasted Lands or Tanaris)

Faction Merge:

Due to the events culminating in the end of the Fourth War the remaining heroes of the Horde and Alliance have decided to band together in order to protect and prevent the atrocities committed by both sides during the Fourth War. Due to this unity a council style leadership was setup in order to achieve fair and balanced power.

Major Characters:

Go'el (Thrall): representative of the Original Orcs and Mag'har Orcs

Anduin Wrynn: representative of Stormwind's surviving human population

Baine Bloodhoof: representative of the Mulgore and Highmountain Tauren

Gazlow: representative of Goblins

Gelbin Mekkatorque: representative of Gnomeregon and Mechagon Gnomes

Loth'remar Theron: representative of the Blood Elves and Nightborne

Malfurion Stormrage: representative of the Night Elves

Emperor Shaohao: representative of the pandaren

Minor Characters:

Alleria Windrunner: representative of the Void Elves and High Elves

Prophet Velen: representative of Draenic Draenei and Lightforged Draenei

Turalyon: Highlord of the Army of the Light

Taelia Fordragon: representative of Kul Tiras

The "New" Capitals

Both New Stormwind and New Orgrimmar are going to be permanent capitals while the Timeless Isle is a temporary one due to the starting experience

Story of World of Warcraft: Fall of Azeroth

Patch 10.0: A World Divided

Patch 10.0 starts on the Timeless Isle and contains the starting experience for the expansion. The player would start off on the Timeless Isle hearing the stories of the attrocities committed by Sylvanas and her followers and the story of the last battle of the Fourth War. As the player progresses their way through the Timeless Isle, a pandaren courier approches the player and asks for them to meet with the newly corporeal Emperor Shaohao. Emperor Shaohao tells the player that if they wish he will open a portal to the recent past allowing for the player to witness and paticipate in the final moments of the Fourth War.

Depending on the player's allegiance they will experience two similar paths:

Horde-POV Experience
A New Weapon
Bombing of Orgrimmar
The Last Battle
Intro Cinematic
Alliance-POV Experience
Bombing of Stormwind
Betrayal of Genn Graymane
The Last Battle
Intro Cinematic

After Experiencing these two instanced stories the player returns to the Timeless Isle to discover that some of the Alliance/Horde leaders are still alive and sets out exploring an Azeroth that has lost two major world powers. After some light questing around Kalimdor (Horde) or Eastern Kingdoms (Alliance), The player discovers the ruins of Orgrimmar (Horde) or Stormwind (Alliance) and returns to the remaining leaders on the Timeless Isle with the proposition that once the Alliance and Horde had regained enough strength and resources to rebuild their once great capital cities. The patch ends with the player alongside their respective leaders overseeing the reconstruction of Stormwind (Alliance) or Orgrimmar (Horde)

Patch 10.1: A World United

Patch 10.2: Blazing Light... Darkest Void...