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Image of Oogzy
Title <Jack of All Trades, Master of None>
Gender Male
Race Shifter (Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Blizzard Fanboys
Location California, US

Hello there. I was a constant reader of WoWWiki and have hence moved myself over to WoWPedia with the huge shift in Devs and Editors. I've been a fan of Blizzard's Warcraft series since Warcraft II and became engrossed in the story, buying all the books, reading the comics whenever I can find them, things like that. Then World of Warcraft came out and I lost a part of my life to the Warcraft lore due to having the ability to play within it and have been playing ever since. Though I consider myself a casual I still raid semi often. I hope that I can bring my knowledge with me to WoWPedia and help out whenever I see something that needs updated or fixing. :]


  • Name: Stu
  • Age: 22

Things I Do Often on Wowpedia

Warcraft Wiki icon stamp.png This user is addicted to Warcraft Wiki.
Wikiicon-gnome-at-work-icon.png This user edits articles within Warcraft Wiki often.
WC2Box.png This user has been playing since Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
Inv misc bag cenarionherbbag.png This user prefers a casual playing style and is not hardcore.
Achievement level 80.png This user has reached level 80.
(Prior to the level squish)
Horde This user plays as a member of the Horde.
Alright chums, lets do this! This player has braved the Rookery and earned the title of Jenkins! Leeeeeeeroy...
Inv enchant voidsphere.png This user has earned the Tripping the Rifts achievement.
Gnome Banner small.png This user helped the gnomes during Operation: Gnomeregan.
Darkspear Troll Banner small.png This user helped the Darkspear trolls reclaim the Echo Isles.
  • Read Articles <--- A lot of this
  • Update Articles
  • Fix Article Errors
    • Typos
    • Formatting


Horde Crest

Death KnightIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [85] Zoner
HunterIconSmall Goblin Male.gif [90] Gobzy
DruidIconSmall Troll Male.gif [80] Shiftuh <After Dark>

Favorite Weapons

Inv axe 09.png [Arcanite Reaper] Trade archaeology zinrokh sword.png [Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds]
Inv sword 108.png [Jin'rohk, The Great Apocalypse] Inv axe 113.png [Shadowmourne]
Inv weapon bow 01.png [Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers]