User:Noobboycomics/Dasterfer Brokel

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NeutralDasterfer Brokel
No image available
Title None
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Undead)
Class Rogue
Affiliation(s) (Formerly) The Silver Hand
The Forsaken
Location Stormwind
Status Unknown
Haethrus (father)
Morthia (mother)
Granfer (Enemy)
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Dasterfer was born into a family of farmers in Westfall. They made a living by growing crops and selling them in Stormwind. At first he helped out with this, but eventually grew to be a lazy and miserable child. He was disliked by other children and was often subjected to their bullying. However, Dasterfer realised that he could use pain to stop them, and soon the other children began to fear him.

After the Orcs attacked Stormwind City, the family moved to a Lordaeron refugee camp. Scared, tired and cold and with little food, the family and the other refugees had to eat whatever they could to survive.

When Stormwind was safe again, the family moved back to Westfall. Despite being safe and with a roof over his head, Dasterfer wanted to go back to the North. He hatched a plan to move to the north and buy a farm of his own, but he and his family were rather poor. Instead he turned to stealing from other's around Westfall. Fortunatley for him, he managed to remain undetected.

The Rise of the Scourge

After he had 'earned' enough, Dasterfer left his home, taking the money, a knife and a small bag of food, and began heading north. He took a long and dangerous cargo route to Hillsbrad through Khaz Modan. He had to fight a lot of Orcs on the way, and being untrained, he found this difficult. Fortunatley, he met up with another traveller named Corinic . The two young men soon became friends, something Dasterfer had never had before. They began to head north through the Wetlands. But one night, a group of Orcs attacked their makeshift camp. Corinic was killed and Dasterfer fled the camp, taking his friend’s sword and buckler with him. Finally, he reached Hillsbrad and bought himself a small farm, a few miles from Southshore.

Here he sold livestock and crops for a few years, making himself enough to survive. During the Scourge invasion, he signed up to help defend the land. He was soon put under leadership of a young paladin named Granfer Darkslayer. After Lordaeron was destroyed, Arthas and his army searched for his father's urn, which was being kept by the leader of the Silver Hand, Uther the Lightbringer. The old Paladin knew what was going on and told his men to be on guard. He sent Granfer and his men to attack the scourge armies from behind in an attempt to outflank them. A big mistake. During the battle, Dasterfer saw Granfer fleeing. Dasterfer miraculously managed to survive the battle. Injured, angry and tired, he stumbled to Southshore, which was one of the few towns in the region left standing. He swore revenge on Granfer, who, in his eyes caused the death of his fellow soldiers.


After recovering his strength, Dasterfer returned to Westfall, now showing obvious signs on madness. He moved back to his family farm to ‘greet’ them. It was a huge shock for his parents to see their long lost son, and he told them what had happened for the past decade or so. His mother and father were relieved to be reunited with their child, and let him stay. But as the two old farmers went outside to check on their crops, Dasterfer took out a little bottle of poison and spiked their food. He did not have to wait long for them to die.

With his parents dead, he was the sole heir to the farm. But he did not care about the farm. The only thing on his mind was revenge. Dasterfer went to Stormwind, now rebuilt after the First War. He began to search for him, torturing a few people to tell him of his whereabouts.


Five years after the destruction of Lordaeron, he became a wanted criminal for brutally murdering a young man named Arman. He hid the body under the well known inn named the Slaughtered Lamb.

Meanwhile Granfer, not recognising the rogue, began to look for him. Dasterfer soon became aware and tracked the paladin down, one step at a time. However, the war in Northrend got in the way and Granfer sailed to Northrend. Dasterfer hated Granfer, but he hadn't forgot who were the ones that had taken so much from him. He created a false identity and followed suit, to battle once more aganst his most hated foes.

The Last Breath of Humanity

After many years of fighting the Scourge, Dasterfer sailed back to Stormwind. He again began plotting how he would kill Granfer, thinking up hundreds of different plans to capture or kill his foe. He finally decided to capture Granfer’s friend Roanna and lure him into a trap. He did this carefully, taking her to the Deadmines, where he tortured her horribly. Granfer quickly found out that she was missing and went to question a few people. After encountering one of Dasterfer’s men, he discovered that Roanna was in the Deadmines, and led a group of his guildmates from the Rose to rescue her. But Dasterfer had escaped again. Roanna was saved and healed of her wounds, but was too weak to tell Granfer much. The guild took her back to the Slaughtered Lamb, where, after a drink and food, she told them everything.

But Dasterfer was on the way…

He soon came to the Inn, disguised as a noble, though nobody recognised him. After revealing himself, and a huge struggle, Dasterfer stabbed Roanna. With her last breath, the young woman shot the rogue in the chest.

Laughing hysterically, Dasterfer swore revenge upon Granfer, his friends and the Rose. With his last breath, Dasterfer shot himself through the brain, and the man who had hunted Granfer for so long was finished.

Or was he?

With Dasterfer gone, Granfer was relieved, but he had paid the price of his greatest friend. He and his friends took Roanna’s body to the Stormwind Graveyard where they buried her in the cemetery.

Meanwhile, a shadowy figure was walking up to Dasterfer’s body. He was named Dhazzok Merrithan, a childhood friend than none other than Granfer himself. The Undead warlock took the body to Tirisfal Glades, where he and some Val'kyr ressurected the corpse. Dasterfer, insane and furious, again walks these lands in the name of the Banshee Queen, trying to find that man who turned his life upside down.