User:Nincaro/The Escapees

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MobVel Wyrmsteel
Image of Vel Wyrmsteel
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Violet Hold (Legion Version)
Status Killable
Image of Bern
Title <the Watchful>
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Violet Hold (Legion Version)
Status Killable
MobLiria Flametwister
Image of Liria Flametwister
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Violet Hold (Legion Version)
Status Killable


Vel Wyrmsteel's Abilities

  • Ability gouge.png Dragging Bone — Vel tosses a sharpened bone with a chain on it at a target and pulls it toward him, dealing X damage and slowly dragging them toward him over the course of Y seconds.
  • Inv sword 62.png Dragonslayer's Strike — Vel strikes a target willfully, dealing X damage and having a Y% chance of freezing them in a block of ice for Z seconds.
  • Spell shadow contagion.png Icy Swarm — Vel unleashes a swarm of cold insects, dealing x damage and applying Frost Fever to all enemies within Y yards for Z seconds.

Bern the Watchful's Abilities

  • Ability warlock eradication.png Curse of Torment — Bern applies the Curse of Torment to a target for X seconds, decreasing their render-distance by Y% until the debuff is removed.
  • Spell misc emotionsad.png Curse of Regret — Bern applies the Curse of Regret to a target for X seconds, dealing Y damage every time they attack him until the debuff is removed.
  • Ability searingarrow.png Wailing Strike — Bern lashes out at a target with a cursed strike, dealing X damage and reducing the damage they deal by Y% for Z seconds.

Liria Flametwister's Abilities

  • Spell fire ragnaros lavabolt.png Hellish Bolt — Liria launches a bolt of hellfire at a target, dealing X damage to them and Y damage to other enemies within Z yards of them.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Earthen Palm Strike — Liria strikes her target with a fist covered in stone, dealing X damage and dazing them for Y seconds.
  • Achievement boss cthun.png Confusion Ray — Liria channels a beam of dark energy at a target, confusing them for X seconds and dealing Y damage every second for the duration of the effect.
  • Ability racial cannibalize.png Psychotic Episode — Liria pounces at a play and pins them to the ground for X seconds, dealing Y damage every second and disabling them for the duration of the effect.


  • Mind, Body, and Spirit - Defeat the Escapees without anyone being killed by Psychotic Episode, Icy Swarm, or Curse of Regret.


Vel Kills a Player
  • Vel yells: More bones, More steel!
  • Vel yells: Crush the bones! Melt them down! Forge the steel!
Bern Kills a Player
  • Bern whispers: know...what lies in the darkness...
  • Bern whispers: Do you feel it...? Can you sense the cold presence in the air...?
Liria Kills a Player
  • Liria yells: Sweet flames! They burnt away the flesh...and the madness!
  • Liria yells: Food for the creepy crawlies that hide around the edges of the light!
  • Liria yells: Yes! I can smell it! Burning flesh has such an aroma!
Vel Casts Dragging Bone
  • Vel yells: You think you can leave me? I WON'T LET YOU!
  • Vel yells: Come here, sweet child, and let me whisper to you the secrets of steel!
Bern Casts Curse of Regret
  • Bern whispers: When you regret something, does it hurt...?
Liria Casts Psychotic Episode
  • Liria yells: Your flesh is so tender! I must have it!
  • Liria yells: Cut, bite, cut, slice, rip it into tiny pieces!
Vel Dies
  • Vel yells: My bones will now make the finest of steel!
Bern Dies
  • Bern whispers: I see now...why you are so afraid...of death...
Liria Dies
  • Liria yells: Mommy...Daddy...I'm so sorry!