User:Nincaro/Lost Prince Rik'zelor

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The Encounter

Lost Prince Rik'zelor Abilities

  • Ability gouge.png Maiming Charge — Rik'zelor charges at his primary target with his claws stretched out and stabs them upon reaching their location, dealing heavy physical damage and applying a bleed debuff for 10 seconds.
  • Ability warrior intensifyrage.png Lost Call — Rik'zelor screeches in the nerubian language, dealing shadow damage to all enemies and fearing enemies within 10 yards of him for 5 seconds.
  • Spell shadow deathscream.png Swarm of Flyers — Rik'zelor calls a swarm of explosive carrying Nerubian Siege-Flyers and they will assist him in combat using their own personal abilities.
  • Spell nature nullifypoison 02.png Destroy Nest — Rik'zelor destroys a nearby nerubian nest hanging on the wall, releasing a bunch of Venomous Nerubian Lostlings to assist him in combat.
  • Spell shadow blackplague.png Channel Spirits — Rik'zelor uses some of his dark magic to summon a group of Lost Spirits from a coffin, causing them to aid him in fighting players.

Nerubian Siege-Flyer Abilities

  • Ability vehicle siegeenginecannon.png Throw Explosive — The nerubian flyer throws an explosive at an area, dealing enough fire damage to reduce anyone within 5 yards to 10% of their health.
  • Ability hunter pet spider.png Darting Strike — The nerubian flyer darts at their target with incredible speed, dealing heavy physical damage and stunning them for 5 seconds.

Venomous Nerubian Lostling Abilities

  • Spell nature abolishmagic.png Venom Sacs — The nerubian lostling explodes in a cloud of damaging toxins upon death, leaving behind a cloud for 10 seconds that deals nature damage to anyone who steps in it.

Lost Spirit Abilities

  • Spell shadow psychicscream.png Deathly Wail — The spirit wails horrifically, dealing heavy shadow damage to all players and decreasing their attack speed by 50% for 20 seconds.


  • Ruler of the Lost - Defeat Lost Prince Rik'zelor on Heroic difficulty. Awards the title Lost King (Male)/Lost Queen (Female).


  • Rik'zelor yells: I smell...surface vermin!
  • Rik'zelor yells: I have been waiting for a challenge from those fools.
  • Rik'zelor yells: Perhaps these ones will entertain me!
  • Go on! Fight me!
Casting Lost Call
  • Hear my tale of boredom!
  • Perhaps I should explain a bit!
  • My words will deafen you!
Killing a Player
  • You were another...fool!
  • Just one more corpse for the lostlings!
  • I think my boredom is returning!
  • Rik'zelor yawns loudly.
  • A worthy challenger...indeed.