User:Nincaro/Legion World Changes

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The Idea

The following is a summary of world changes that I think should be made in Legion.

Eastern Kingdoms

This section covers zones that are part of the Eastern Kingdoms and that I believe should be updated for Legion in ways that make sense for the current in-game lore..

Hillsbrad Foothills

The following changes appear for players that are level 110 or higher:

  • In both versions, a Bronze dragon NPC is found in Durnholde Keep and can be talked to so that the player may switch back and forth between the two versions of the zone, like the Warlords of Draenor changes to the Blasted Lands.
  • A group of Bloodfang Worgen have taken over the Southpoint Gate and named their camp Genn's Claw. Alliance players receive daily quests in the area to kill Forsaken Patrollers near the Sludge Fields, use Stolen Blight Bombs to destroy various caches of supplies, and let out Caged Spiders contained within the Azurelode Mine.
  • The Sludge Fields have been fortified by the Forsaken and the monstrosities created there are gone. Horde players receive daily quests to kill Bloodfang Stalkers near Genn's Claw, sabotage various siege weapons, and scare away Timid Horses contained in a stable built on the ledge above the Azurelode Mine.
  • Gilnean and Forsaken forces are fighting in the ruins of Strahnbrad. The Syndicate have also been making a resurgence in the area. Both sides get daily quests to fight each other, along with some quests from the Kirin Tor, which send them to fight the Syndicate. One of the buildings contains a rare mob taking the form of an Aranasi named Quir'ethia..
  • Bloodfang Worgen and the forces of Admiral Rogers have established a minor foothold in the Ruins of Southshore, although the Forsaken blight still covers most of the area. Alliance players receive daily quests from NPCs inside this camp, which send them to kill Silvermoon Bowmasters and Forsaken Footmen near Tarren Mill, along with using cannons to destroy several key points around the town.
  • Tarren Mill has been severely expanded by the Forsaken, and a small group of Blood Elven forces have also been sent to help them. Horde players receive daily quests from the NPCs within, which send them to kill Southshore Riflemen and Bloodfang Berserkers, along with going on bombing runs in order to destroy key points around the enemy camp.
  • Ravenholdt Manor has been burned down and a group of Burning Legion forces now occupy the ruins. Rogue players can complete unique World Quests in this area, which require salvaging for supplies and killing the Burning Legeion invaders
  • Purgation Isle has been taken over by a group of neutral Krin Tor mages, who are lead by Archmage Modera, and they are under attack from a large group of Warlocks sent by Gul'dan. Both factions can receive quests to kill either Cackling Destroyers or Psychotic Afflicted, destroy groups of Towering Abyssals using special magic grenades, collect various magical artifacts that were lost on the island, and take down a Fel Lord that Gul'dan sent to watch over the Warlocks.

Silverpine Forest

  • Another Bronze Dragon NPC can be found outside of the entrance to Shadowfang Keep in both versions, with the same purpose as the others.
  • Ambermill is now occupied by SI:7 agents working with Gilnean forces, and daily quests are given to Alliance players from here. They involve killing Forsaken forces found in the area between them and the Runner Outpost. A weekly quest is also given, which involves rallying the Alliance forces and going to attack the mine.
  • The Deep Elem mine has been fortified by Sunreaver forces, along with a few Forsaken, and they named their camp Runner Outpost. Horde players receive daily quests from here, which involve killing Gilnean forces found in the area between them and Ambermill. A weekly quest is also given, which involves buffing the Horde forces and going to attack the town.
  • Gilnean forces have set up a new fortress around the Skittering Dark, along with the wreckage of the Orc ships that have yet to be removed from the area. Alliance players are given daily quests to kill Maddened Apothecaries, blow up various Forsaken supplies, burn down clusters of buildings, and take out Plagued Ettin using explosives while on the back of a horse.
  • The Forsaken Rear Guard has been fortified and is now linked to the Forsaken High Command via a walled-off path. Daily quests are given to Horde players that involve killing Enraged Scouts, melting various Gilnean stockpiles with blight, unleashing mutated spiders in key enemy points, and dealing with a cluster of Cavalry Masters while riding on the back of an abomination.
  • Pyrewood Village has been completely taken over by a large group of Burning Legion forces, and several members of the Silver Hand have set up a small base in the town's chapel. Paladin players can receive unique quests from these NPCs, which involve defending the chapel and taking out important Burning Legion commanders occupying the area.
  • A small pack of Feral Worgen are still holed up outside of Shadowfang Keep and they have been corrupted by raw Fel energies. Players from both factions can receive quests from Calia Menethil, who has set up a camp nearby, which send them to deal with the pack.
  • Fenris Isle is now occupied by large groups of Forsaken, Gilnean, and Burning Legion forces. Quests are given to both sides that involve attacking the enemy faction's forces, along with taking out demonic infiltrators that happen to be involved in a sinister plot forming on the island.

Eastern Plaguelands

  • The area around the entrance to Stratholme has now been purified and the two necropoli across from it are in ruins. However, the paladins that have occupied the area are still struggling to hold back the Cult of the Damned forces that have completely toppled the Plaguewood Tower.
  • While only Paladin players will be able to do quests for the Silver Hand members in the Plaguewood, non-paladin players will be able to accept completely different quests from emissaries that were sent by their factions.
  • Gilnean and Forsaken forces are fighting for control of the recently abandoned temple within Zul'masha. Players from both factions can receive quests from their allies in this area, which involve trying to sabotage the plans being formed by the other side.
  • Along with the tower in the Plaguewood, the Cult of the Damned have succeeded in destroying the Light's Shield Tower. After that, the Knights of the Ebon Blade showed up to take over the ruins and push the cult back to their stronghold at Corin's Crossing. Due to this, Death Knight players can now receive new quests from their allies within the tower's ruins. These quests involve sabotaging plague cauldrons, killing various cultists, mind-controlling a Skeletal Dragon named Frozenok, and disrupting a dark ritual that is being channeled by their leader.
  • A group of Illidari forces have set up a camp inside of the Darrowshire ruins, and give quests to Demon Hunter players. These quests involve dealing with a group of Burning Legion Warlocks that have set up nearby. They involve torturing weaker demons for information, freeing prisoners that are being used in sacrifices, and spying on Gul'dan's secret operations in the area.
  • The Blood Elves have sent a group of their forces to retake the Quel'Lithien Lodge. Unfortunately, they came under attack from Cult of the Damned members soon after settling down, and will now give Horde players quests to help them out.
  • Admiral Rogers has lead a battalion of her forces in to the region, and they have now set up a camp around the Marris Stead. This camp is now referred to as The Admiral's Fist, and the NPCs within will give Alliance players various quests that involve dealing with the nearby Cult of the Damned members.

Ruins of Gilneas

  • Admiral Rogers' forces have retaken Tempest's Reach while working alongside members of the Bloodfang Pack, and the area has now been expanded in to a somewhat-sizeable harbor, which they are using as a base of operations for naval battles in the surrounding zones. This acts as a quest hub for Alliance players.
  • Just like they did with Tempest's Reach, the Alliance forces in the area have retaken and fortified Stormglen Village, which serves as an active quest hub for Alliance players within the area.
  • The entirety of the Blackwald is now under the control of the Forsaken, and theyhave established various military encampments within. For Horde players, this region acts as a quest hub that is equal in size to a combination of both Tempest's Reach and Stormglen Village.
  • Greymane Manor has been completely overrun by Burning Legion forces, and a small group of Black Harvest members have set up camp outside of it. Warlock players from both factions can receive unique quests from these NPCs that include forcing various packs of weaker demons to attack their stronger allies, stealing hidden knowledge within the manor itself, and killing one of Kil'jaeden's lieutenants that has been causing quite a bit of trouble for their organization.
  • The Merchant's Square, Military District, and Greymane Court are a warzone between the Forsaken and the Gilneans. Players from either faction that enter these districts will be auto-flagged for World PVP.
  • The Cathedral Quarter has been filled with Nightmare Corruption, which is being summoned by a powerful Satyr in the Cathedral itself, who was sent there by Xavius. To combat this, a group of powerful Druids have set up a camp on the outskirts of the district. They will give unique quests to Druid players, which involve attempting to clear out the corruption.