User:Nincaro/Cook The Risen

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The Encounter

Cook's Abilities

  • Ability creature poison 05.png Toxic Garbage — When Cook attacks her primary target, they gain a stack of this debuff. It increases their nature damage taken by 5% and reduces their attack speed by 2% for 20 seconds. Stacks to 99
  • Spell fire felflamestrike.png Fel Rend — Cook cuts a target with solid Fel magic, dealing 150% weapon damage to start and fire damage every second for 5 seconds after the first tick.
  • Ability warlock eradication.png Dinner Bell — Cook rings a rusted bell, calling Starving Ghouls that can assist her with their attacks or be blown up by her Detonating Poison ability.
  • Spell nature elementalshields.png Detonating Poison — The combustion poison inside the meal that the Starving Ghouls just ate is being remotely detonated by Cook, killing all of the ghouls and dealing heavy fire damage to enemies within 10 yards of them.
  • Ability creature poison 01.png Leaking Toxins — Cook cuts open the stomach of a target with 50 stacks of Toxic Garbage. The target takes heavy physical damage and deals heavy nature damage to nearby enemies every second for 20 seconds.

Starving Ghoul Abilities

  • Spell fire incinerate.png Fel Frenzy — The ghoul goes in to a fel infused frenzy, causing them to deal 150% additional nature damage with every attack for the next 50 seconds.
  • Ability creature disease 02.png Venom Drool — The ghoul is constantly drooling poison, causing them to leave behind a trail of venom that deals heavy nature damage. The trail fades after 10 seconds.


  • Madness Of Cook - Kill Cook the Risen without anyone being effected by Leaking Toxins.


  • Cook yells: No! Get out of my sanctuary!
Casting Dinner Bell
  • Come, my loyal fans! Defend your chef!
  • Kill them, lovely guests, and you will be fed some more!
  • My little visitors, get me some new ingredients!
Killing a Player
  • Great! More ingredients for my masterpiece!
  • Yessss! Your entrails will do nicely!
  • I think these eyeballs will make fine toppings!
  • So many news ingredients for my masterpiece!
  • No! not...finished...