User:Nincaro/CoT: The Drakkari's Descent

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This massive frost-direhorn guards the gates to the Kingdom of the Drakkari with it's ferocious might. It is a deadly beast gifted to them by the great Loa known as Gonk and will defend it's masters to the death.

Trophy-Keeper Nekar

Although it may not appear that way at first glance, he is no simple troll. In another life, he was, but now that is no longer true. Instead, he has been killed and replaced by an Infinite Dragonflight interloper that has taken on his appearance.

Black Ice

In an attempt to defend their sanctuary, several of the Drakkari Voodoo Priests have sacrificed themselves to summon this powerful frost elemental. It's time to see if they will succeed.

Mel'Tria, the Champion of Zul'drak

She is the last line of defense for the throne of the Drakkari, yet her death slowly approaches and she knows it. However, that will not stop her from fighting with the vicious fervor she is known for in a last ditch attempt to protect her people.

Heroic Mode Only

Cral'Moke, the Golden King of the Drakkari

Only the strongest will be able to end this king's life and bring about the destined end of the Drakkari controlling the arctic lands of Northrend.

Encounters by Area

Bosses Monsters NPCs
Attack on the Gates
  • IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Drakkari Gatekeeper
  • IconSmall IceTroll Female.gif Drakkari Protector
  • IconSmall IceTroll Female.gif Drakkari Sentinel
  • IconSmall DireTroll.gif Agent of Mel'Tria
  • IconSmall Wolvar.gif Rampaging Wolvar
  • IconSmall Falric.gif Falric
  • IconSmall Marwyn.gif Marwyn
  • IconSmall Lich Male.gif Necromantic Lich
  • IconSmall Ghoul.gif Bloodthirsty Ghoul
Gates of the Capital
  • IconSmall Direhorn.gif Goridron
  • IconSmall IceTroll Female.gif Priestess of the Great Hunter
  • IconSmall Direhorn.gif Son of Goridron
  • IconSmall Direhorn.gif Daughter of Goridron
  • IconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Secretive Infinite Drakonid
  • IconSmall Falric.gif Falric
  • IconSmall Marwyn.gif Marwyn
  • IconSmall Lich Female.gif Empowered Lich
  • IconSmall ScourgeTroll.gif Risen Defender
  • IconSmall ScourgeTroll.gif Risen Rusher
  • IconSmall SkeletalMage.gif Priest of the Lich King
Entrance Hall
  • IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Patient Drakkari Guard
  • IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Timid Drakkari Guard
  • IconSmall SpawnInfinite Male.gif Corruptor of Time
  • IconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Warrior of the End
  • IconSmall Falric.gif Falric
  • IconSmall Marwyn.gif Marwyn
  • IconSmall ScourgeTroll.gif Rampaging Zombie Troll
Nekar's Patrol
  • IconSmall IceTroll Male.gifIconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Trophy-Keeper Nekar
  • IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Nekar's Bodyguard
  • IconSmall SpawnInfinite Male.gif Infinite Defender
  • IconSmall SpawnInfinite Male.gif Infinite Disruptor
  • IconSmall Falric.gif Falric
  • IconSmall Marwyn.gif Marwyn
  • IconSmall ScourgeTroll.gif Rampaging Zombie Troll
  • IconSmall SpiderGiant.gif Death Weaver
  • IconSmall SpiderGiant.gif Frozen Widow
  • IconSmall Ghoul.gif Maniacal Ghoul
Sanctuary of Worship
  • IconSmall RevenantIce.gif Black Ice
  • IconSmall RevenantEarth.gif Elemental Defender
  • IconSmall RevenantEarth.gif Elemental Warder
  • IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Drakkari Voodoo Priest
  • IconSmall IceTroll Female.gif Drakkari Voodoo Priestess
  • IconSmall DireTroll.gif Agent of Mel'Tria
  • IconSmall Falric.gif Falric
  • IconSmall Marwyn.gif Marwyn
  • IconSmall Ghoul.gif Furious Ghoul
  • IconSmall Ghoul.gif Destructive Ghoul
  • IconSmall ScourgeTroll.gif Risen Bruiser
  • IconSmall Necromancer.gif Master of the Damned
  • IconSmall Zombie.gif War Fodder
Temple Bridge
  • IconSmall DireTroll.gif Agent of Mel'Tria
  • IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Brave Defender
  • IconSmall Falric.gif Falric
  • IconSmall Marwyn.gif Marwyn
  • IconSmall ScourgeTroll.gif Troll Fiend
  • IconSmall ScourgeTroll.gif Troll Zombie
  • IconSmall Zombie.gif War Fodder
Last Stand of Mel'Tria
  • IconSmall IceTroll Female.gif Mel'tria, the Champion of Zul'drak
  • IconSmall DireTroll.gif Trusted of Mel'Tria
  • IconSmall SpawnInfinite Male.gif Infinite Assassin
  • IconSmall SpawnInfinite Male.gif Infinite Hunter
  • IconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Epoch Brute
  • IconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Defender of Destruction
  • IconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Infinite Warmaster
  • IconSmall Falric.gif Falric
  • IconSmall Marwyn.gif Marwyn
  • IconSmall ScourgeTroll.gif Vision of Death
  • IconSmall Abomination.gif Charging Abomination
  • IconSmall Abomination.gif Deadly Abomination
  • IconSmall Zombie.gif War Fodder
  • IconSmall Geist.gif Shrieking Attacker
Throne of the Golden King
  • IconSmall Malakk.gif Cral'Moke, the Golden King of the Drakkari
  • IconSmall DrakonidInfinite.gif Defender of the Lost King
  • IconSmall LichKing.gif The Lich King