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Image of Burnrunner
Title <the Blaze of Death>
Race [Acherus Deathcharger] (Undead)
Level x1 to current maximum
Location Metalflame Foundry
Status Killable

The Encounter

Burnrunner's Abilities

  • Spell holy innerfire.png Blazing Charge — Burnrunner charges at a target while completely covered in dark flames, dealing massive fire damage to anyone if he hits them and stunning him for 10 seconds if he misses.
  • Inv misc slime 02.png Nightmare Blood — Burnrunner applies a stack of Nightmare Poison to anyone who attacks him, stacking up 30 thirty times and mind-controlling the enemy when it reaches that. Five stacks are removed every 20 seconds without attacking him.
  • Ability creature poison 05.png Mark of Demons — Burnrunner marks a target with Fel energy for 30 seconds, fixating on them and reducing their movement speed by 30% for the entire duration of the spell's effect.
  • Spell burningsoul.png Forge Kick — At 75%, 50%, and 25% health, Burnrunner kicks one of the forges around the room, knocking it over and covering that fourth of the room with heavily damaging flames.


  • Calm Dreams, Burning Nightmares - Defeat Burnrunner without ever going over 20 stacks of Nightmare Poison at a time.


  • Burnrunner communicates through actions instead of words during the fight.