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Hi. I’m “Etarna”, otherwise known as Elandru, Dulcamara or Mimetia.

I’m the author of the popular roleplaying addon MyRolePlay, which lets you add profile information about your character (like names and so forth) that other people can see.

I also (quite a while ago) developed Emotomania, although that mod has fallen into disuse as I’m writing a flexible replacement, MyEmotes (which I may even finish one day!).

I play primarily on Server:Argent_Dawn_Europe, with one of my characters still on Server:Ravenholdt_Europe.


I started World of Warcraft in late 2005, on the RP-PvP realm Server:The_Venture_Co_Europe (not long after the realm was founded) as a rogue, Etarna, just after patch 1.7 as a result of being referred by a work colleague at the time who played. After 54 levels and about a year (I am a *very* slow leveller!), I experimented with the Horde briefly via a Tauren druid, before deciding it didn’t agree with me.

I then rolled on a fresh realm, Server:Ravenholdt_Europe, another new RP-PvP realm at the time, creating a hunter called Elandru Moonshyne, and it was around this time that I started using Moncader’s MyRolePlay addon, grew a desire to fix some of the bugs, and did. (Soon enough, I was actively maintaining it, and for patch 4.0.1 I would later rewrite it completely.)

I founded a roleplaying guild <Moonshyne> with several of my real-life friends, who I introduced to the World of Warcraft that year.

I still run the unofficial realm forum for Server:Ravenholdt_Europe, which lives at (rather fittingly). Seems to be relatively popular (as the official WoW forums like to delete old threads, like RP stories, but has a proper subforum for them).

Moonshyne ran for quite a while—and the core of us still have a very tight-knit community (as you see, the addon development site for MyRolePlay is still there), although we found Ravenholdt-EU Alliance getting steadily quieter and some of us faction-changed for better raiding with the Horde.

Eventually quite a lot of the Ravenholdt-EU RP community—including me—fancied a change from an RP-PvP realm with a dwindling population, and migrated to the extremely high population RP realm Server:Argent_Dawn_Europe.

My original (undeleted, now twice-transferred) rogue Dulcamara now lives on Server:Argent_Dawn_Europe, along with my more recent (Broken) shaman, Mimetia.

That’s about it for mains—like I said, I’m a slow leveller! I do have the odd debug character dotted around here and there though, as it helps with my addon development sometimes to have a character whose profile I don’t mind risking on experimental code!

User info

Inv misc bag cenarionherbbag.png This user prefers a casual playing style and is not hardcore.
Achievement level 80.png This user has reached level 80.
(Prior to the level squish)
AlchemyBlacksmithingEnchantingEngineeringLeatherworkingTailoring This user has played with almost all professions, just missing Inscription. HerbalismMiningSkinningJewelcraftingCookingFishing
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes rogue.png
This user plays as a night elf rogue.
Herbalism This user plays as a Herbalist / Alchemist. Alchemy
Rouge = Red This user can spell Rogue Rogue.
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes hunter.png
This user plays as a night elf hunter.
Mining This user plays as a Miner / Engineer. Engineering
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes shaman.png
This user plays as a draenei shaman.
Skinning This user plays as a Skinner / Leatherworker. Leatherworking