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Ui-charactercreate-classes deathknight.png Death Knight

Spell deathknight bloodpresence.png Blood

A dark guardian who manipulates and corrupts life energy to sustain <him/her>self in the face of an enemy onslaught.

Temp.png Chromatic
Spell deathknight frostpresence.png Frost

An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering vicious weapon strikes.

Spell deathknight unholypresence.png Unholy

A master of death and decay, spreading infection and controlling undead minions to do <his/her> bidding.

Ui-charactercreate-classes druid.png Druid

Spell nature starfall.png Balance

Can take on the form of a powerful Moonkin, balancing the power of Arcane and Nature magic to destroy enemies at a distance.

Ability druid catform.png Feral

Takes on the form of a great cat to deal damage with bleeds and bites.

Ability racial bearform.png Guardian

Takes on the form of a mighty bear to absorb damage and protect allies.

Spell nature healingtouch.png Restoration

Uses heal-over-time Nature spells to keep allies alive.

Ui-charactercreate-classes hunter.png Hunter

Ability hunter bestialdiscipline.png Beast Mastery

A master of the wild who can tame a wide variety of beasts to assist <him/her> in combat.

Ability hunter focusedaim.png Marksmanship

A master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar.

Ability hunter camouflage.png Survival

A rugged tracker who favors using animal venom, explosives and traps as deadly weapons.

Ui-charactercreate-classes mage.png Mage

Spell holy magicalsentry.png Arcane
Spell fire firebolt02.png Fire
Spell frost frostbolt02.png Frost

Ui-charactercreate-classes monk.png Monk

Spell monk brewmaster spec.png Brewmaster
Spell monk mistweaver spec.png Mistweaver
Spell monk windwalker spec.png Windwalker


Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin.png Paladin

Spell holy holybolt.png Holy
Ability paladin shieldofthetemplar.png Protection
Spell holy auraoflight.png Retribution

Ui-charactercreate-classes priest.png Priest

Spell holy powerwordshield.png Discipline
Spell holy guardianspirit.png Holy
Spell shadow shadowwordpain.png Shadow

Ui-charactercreate-classes rogue.png Rogue

Ability rogue eviscerate.png Assassination
Ability backstab.png Combat
Ability stealth.png Subtlety

Ui-charactercreate-classes shaman.png Shaman

Ability shaman echooftheelements.png Chaos
Spell nature lightning.png Elemental
Spell nature lightningshield.png Enhancement
Spell nature magicimmunity.png Restoration

Inv misc gear 01.png Tinker

Inv potion 99.png Chemical
Inv misc pocketwatch 01.png Clockwork
Inv musket 04.png Munitions

Ui-charactercreate-classes warlock.png Warlock

Spell shadow deathcoil.png Affliction
Spell shadow metamorphosis.png Demonology
Spell shadow rainoffire.png Destruction

Ui-charactercreate-classes warrior.png Warrior

Ability warrior savageblow.png Arms
Ability warrior innerrage.png Fury
Ability warrior defensivestance.png Protection

Witch Doctor