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Assorted personal trivia

  • I have been a sysop on the English-language Wikipedia for four years, though I'm not as active as I once was.
  • I am finally switching mains after three years of playing a mage: starting in Cataclysm I will be focusing on my prot warrior first. My other max-level characters include a prot paladin, a bear druid, an enhancement shaman, a disc priest, and a second prot warrior (of the opposite faction).
  • I have an unhealthy relationship with my Xbox 360 (who doesn't know I'm seeing a Wii on the side). I still own and play my older Nintendo systems, including the original NES with a functioning Power Pad. Some of favorite computer/video games (other than WoW) include King's Quest, Mass Effect, The Legend of Zelda series, Ultima, Dragon Age: Origins, and Gabriel Knight.
  • I am trying to learn how to play the guitar, if by "trying to learn" one means that I occasionally pick it up and strum the handful of chords I know. Honestly, I play Rock Band more often than the actual guitar.
  • I believe I am 4.8 standard deviations above the average height for an American female. In layman's terms: I'm really, really tall.
  • I like orotund words and etymologies, and I enjoy any opportunity to reference my "worthless" education in religious studies, classics, and philosophy.
  • I delight in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien and Joss Whedon.

Quote of the Day/Week/Month/Whenever I Get Around to Changing it

"Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject, so you know you are getting the best possible information."

--Michael Scott, The Office