User:Lord doctor/Lowercity

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Location Undercity, Tirisfal Glades
Race(s) UndeadUndead Undead
Nathrezim Nathrezim
End boss Kev'eik (Normal)
Varimathras (Heroic)
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 87-93 (Normal)
95 (Heroic)
Player limit 5

In relation to Dreadlords' Rise expansion idea.

A jail in Undercity, placed below the city in the same way that undercity is below Lordaeron capital. Several Nathrezim infiltrators have been imprisoned there and are plotting their escape.


Built beneath the Undercity, the capital of Forsaken civilisation, beneath the ruins of Lordaeron. It was constructed to house the dangerous members of Forsaken society, rogue Apothecaries, failed abominations, general murderers and criminals. It was here that Varimathras met with Putress and his apothecaries to discuss their plans of betrayel at the Wrathgate as most Forsaken steer clear of it and is thus the perfect secret meeting place. In recent days several Nathrezim infiltrators have been captured in cities such as Undercity. The ones captured in Undercity were taken to the Lowercity jail to await the arrival of the Voidslayers who would destroy the Nathrezim through the use of Void Crystals, as otherwise, when killed, the Nathrezim would simply teleport back to the Twisting Nether. The ones imprisoned in Lowercity have been plotting their escape from their anti-magic cells, and have finally managed to put their plans into use.


  • IconSmall Undead Female.gifJailor Aldera-The jailor of the Lowercity prison and a Dark Ranger, she is in charge of watching over all imprisoned there. She has been mind-controlled by the Dreadlord prisoners and now safeguards their location.
  • IconSmall Sludge.gifSmile-The failed apothecary potions poured into the sewers have leaked into the Lowercity, and have formed into a large conscious slime named Smile, an anagram of Slime.
  • IconSmall MadScientist.gifApothecary Pettik-A rogue apothecary who helped to produce the final plague and participated in the betrayel at the Wrathgate and was awaiting execution before being freed by the Dreadlords.
    • IconSmall Sludge.gifSlimed Pettik-During the encounter Pettik gets covered by some of his slime creations, making him more powerful.
  • IconSmall Abomination.gifLoongo the Abominable-A failed abomination, saved from destruction by the Dreadlords, he now serves and protects them as their main bodyguard.
  • IconSmall Dreadlord.gifKev'eik-The leader of the Dreadlords attacking Undercity, he is the mastermind behind the escape scheme and resides at the very back of the Lowercity.

Heroic Mode Only

  • IconSmall Nathrezim.gifVarimathras-The former Arch Lord of Undercity, he has returned to the city to oversee the invasion there and to see what has become of the city he left. The first of his multiple appearances throughout this expansion.


  • IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gifMind-Controlled Guards
  • IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gifMind-slave Wardens
  • IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gifForsaken Prisoners
  • IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gifForsaken Bandits
  • IconSmall Zombie.gifRotting Inmate
  • IconSmall Oozeling.gifUndercity Oozelings
  • IconSmall Oozeling.gifSwarming Bloblings
  • IconSmall Ooze.gifBlight Oozes
  • IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gifApothecary Traitors
  • IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gifTreacherous Alchemists
  • IconSmall Sludge.gifPettik's Experiments [Summoned by Pettik during the encounter]
  • IconSmall Abomination.gifSmall Failures
  • IconSmall Dreadlord.gifLowercity Insurgents
  • IconSmall Dreadlord.giflowercity Escapees
  • IconSmall Zombie.gifLowercity Minions