User:Lord doctor/Insurgent Infiltration

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In relation to Dreadlords' Rise expansion idea.

City guards being mind controlled by Dreadlord Insurgents are opening Nether Rifts, to allow demons to pass through into the Capital cities. Adventurers must fight these city guards, defeat the demons attacking the city and seal the Nether Rifts.


A 2 week long event, it is split into 5 different sections:

Day 1

Members of the Voidslayers can be seen walking through cities, and camps are set up outside capitals. Each camp has several Voidslayer soldiers, 2 Voidslayer Mind-benders and a Voidslayer commander. Speak to a Voidslayer commander and they will tell you that there is an unusual amount of Nether Energy building up over the city and they're here to investigate. You can also get a trinket: "Insignia of the Voidslayers" allowing the acquisition of Demonic Stones from demons that can be turned in to Voidlayer commanders for rewards.

Day 2-3

You can now get quests from Voidslayer commanders to investigate mysterious activity by city guards, adventurers will be able to talk to city guards and ask them of the mysterious activity, on occasion the city guard will turn hostile and attack you and any others nearby. Some guards will carry Demonic Stones which can be turned in to Voidslayer commanders for rewards, these stones do not require "Insignia of the Voidslayers" to collect.

Day 4-7

Void Crystals will appear on occasion in cities, they will emit a an area of effect wave, mind controlling anyone nearby. The player will get anonymous whispers telling them to attack others and serve the Burning Legion. If they do not get to a Voidslayer Mind-bender within 5 minutes, you will become a Mind-Slave, if the player gets to a Voidslayer Mind-bender in time, they may speak with them and be cured, recieving the buff: "Mental Protection" for 10 minutes, stopping them from getting the affliction. To Mind-Slaves all other unaffected players and NPCs will become hostile and an ability bar with Mind-Slave abilities will be unlocked and a new resource bar "Psychic Power". Defeating another player or NPC will turn them into a Mind-Slave. Being defeated by a Mind-Slave while under the affects of "Mental Protection" will simply kill you, rather than affecting you. "Mental Protection" may be cancelled by a special Mind-Slave ability.

Day 8-11

Nether Rifts appear over cities, teleporting demons onto the streets. Felguards will appear in pairs at every 40 minutes, Imps will appear in squads of 6 every 20 minutes and single Doomguards will appear every hour. The appearance of demons will cause non-combat NPCs to scream for help, non-affected guards will rush to their aid but secretly affected guards will turn hostile and attack the other guards and anyone nearby. Every 3 hours, a repeatable quest will be given by Voidslayer generals, situated inside cities, to use siege engines located nearby to attack and destroy the Nether Rifts. An hour later, a Nether Rift will appear again and the process will repeat. Some demons will carry Demonic Stones, which can be turned in to Voidslayer generals for rewards. Time after affliction by Mind-control until becoming a Mind-slave decreased to 2 minutes, "Mental Protection" buff time decreased to 5 minutes. Voidslayer soldiers will be wandering the city, fighting the demons, mind-slave players and guards. Mind-Slave abilities will cost less Psychic Power.

Day 12-14

In the cities, Void Engines will appear, special constructions of the Voidslayers that, when they reach full power, will close the rifts. Quests will be given to collect void fragments from areas in capital cities where a Void Crystal appeared or from Demons and affected guards, in order to power the Void Engine. When a player picks up a Void Fragment from the ground, nearby affected guards will become hostile. Time between demonic attacks is halved, and every hour Infernals rain from the sky. Mind-Control affliction time decreased to 1 minute, "Mental Protection" time decreased to same. Mind-Slave abilities will cost less Pychic Power.

Day 14 Finale

At some point in the evening on the 14th day, the Nether Rifts will be closed by the Void Engines, demonic attacks will stop, there will be no more hostile guards and people will no longer be able to be affected by mind-control. Players will be able to get the automated quest: "It's Not Over" telepathically from Retributor Cruzarn or Fel-Warden Frostarrow, telling them that 1 hour later, they should go to the Court of the Sun in Silvermoon City for Horde, or the Vault of Lights in the Exodar for Alliance. On the hour, when it's time for the final quest, a large lvl ??(Boss) Pitlord: Meltherion for Horde, Mannayal for Alliance, will appear in the appointed location. All players must help the Voidslayer soldiers, Generals and Master Cruzarn of the Retributors/Master Frostarrow of the Fel-wardens, to fight the Pitlord. He will call down Infernals and fel-fire on players, as well as summoning Imps to attack individuals. The battle will take quite a long time. The corpse of the Pitlord will persist for the rest of the day, walking over the corpse will allow players to complete the quest. Players can then turn in the quest for a large reward.


Although the Nether Rifts have been sealed and the Demons have stopped, the invasion is not over. The portal to Xoroth in the Void Lands is still there. The Dreadlord Insurgents have slipped into the cities midst the confusion and are hiding out, or have been captured during the invasion and are being held in prisons awaiting execution by the Voidslayers. After the official release, players will receive a quest to go to the Northeron, and after questing there, will receive quests to enter each of their faction city dungeons and deal with the Dreadlord Leaders.

Mind-Slave Ability Bar

You have 100 Psychic Power, regenerating rapidly over time after use.

  • Ability mage frostfirebolt.png Psychic Strike  —  Hit the enemy with your melee weapon, dealing weapon damage + Extra damage
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Psi Bolt  —  Send a bolt of psionic energy towards your target. 1 second cooldown.
  • Spell nature astralrecal.png Mind Scream  —  Emit a mental scream, dealing damage to all enemies in a 5 yard radius. 5 second cooldown.
  • Inv misc fish 55.png Brain Leech  —  Send a bolt at your target, infecting them with a brain leech and inflicting damage over time. Lasts for 15 seconds. 10 second cooldown.
  • Spell shadow detectinvisibility.png Psionic Bomb  —  Begin to generate a Psychic bubble around you, after 30 seconds it will detonate, killing you and dealing large amounts of damage to all enemies in a 10 yard radius. Can only be cancelled by dying before the 30 seconds are up.
  • Ability druid twilightswrath.png Mental Shatter  —  Debuffs the target's Mental Protection and afflicts them with Mind-Control. 30 minute cooldown. Cooldown is active upon first becoming a Mind-Slave.