User:Lord Kronus

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Image of Kronus
Title <Lord of Kronus>
Gender Unknown
Race Unknown (Unknown)
Level ??
Class Unknown
Occupation Kronus has mastered the arts of all skills
Location Bronze Dragonflight (Normal)
Status Alive/Dead
Alignment Neutral

Lord Kronus is the leader of an ancient race that lay dormant in another plane of existence, named the Tomb World due to the appearance of this race, only recently have they started to awaken and emerge. How did they reach our world? People have asked. The recent over-use of teleportation has created holes in space and time.

A man on an expedition called Jacob Stark stumbled upon a tomb in the jungle of Stranglethorn Vale, the gaps formed by teleporting seem to gather here, and unfortunately when Jacob opened the tomb, Kronus was waiting on the other side. A way these creatures gain power is to kill, which is the fate of this expedition, apart from Jacob, he was strong minded, and thus Kronus returned him his life and made him one of his new Generals, Jacob is the only one of the creatures who can actually speak, which makes it easier to communicate with lesser races than the other method (below).

Kronus and his entire race are much more aged and therefore much more intelligent than other races, therefore they cannot communicate with lesser races themselves.

Personal Information

According to the information gathered so far, Kronus is a great type of leader, he is ready to jump to the aid of allies and is not afraid to charge into battle, even against impossible odds.

Race Information

A small yet reasonable amount of information has been gathered from various murals, tapestries and monuments from underground catacombs and and tunnels that date back far beyond the beginning time began to be recorded.

Kronus is the name of both the Tomb world and it's leader, it is not clear which was named first. He has been the races only leader since it existed, and it seems ever since they were born they had a vast wealth of knowledge.

Following the above, the race are able to master things extremely quickly and easily, this includes all classes and professions and even more than known to the current races, including advanced spirituality, gifts that come with this are Telepathy, the way they communicate between each other. Telekinesis, the first ability they mastered. Chronomancy, the art of bending time to their will, they use this in defense, as to 'Phase' out of the material universe, Imps, Warlock Minions, have this ability to, but on a much lower level.

Character Information

Kronus cannot communicate with the lesser races himself, and therefore creates and uses those of the races, known forms he has include;

  • Tauren Warrior - Bornio - 76
  • Human Warlock - Erikk - 57
  • Troll Rogue - Tomaar - 64
  • Draenai Priest - Galenagaris - 70


Recent sightings of these creatures have been reported, and a detailed report depicting a creature attacking a Scarlet Monastery Priest in Tirisfal Glades has been made and drawn roughly.

One of the creatures attacking a Scarlet priest, named a "Wraith" for it's agility and movement.

Exalted Factions

All but the form "Tomaar" are exalted with all of their respected capitals.

At the moment these creature are neutral with all races on their own but are still hated when they take on the lesser forms.