User:Lemona1d/Whispers of Madness Bestiary

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The Whispers of Madness expansions features an extensive bestiary. Since the Cataclysm Northrend has seen significant changes in both climate and population, causing some species to dwindle into near nothingness and others to thrive and prosper having not seen the light of day (or lack thereof) in years.



Although the scourge presence in Northrend has been largely defeated, restless spirits with limited guidance haunt the frozen landscape. One such example is the coldwraith, a brutal, unwelcoming spellcaster that only got stronger in death. They terrorize what few still call Northrend home, bombarding them with icy magic and haunting them before reportedly disappearing into thin air only to reappear and strike fear once more. Those who roam the north beware, for the coldwraith is coming.

Crystal Giant

Crystal giant

Roaming the earth beneath and above Crystalsong Forest are the dreaded crystal giants, enormous and seemingly indestructible constructs. Once in slumber, these mindless beasts have been awoken after innumerable years and now roam around in a frightening rage. Their massive bulk and devastating physical attacks would have been enough on their own without the addition of the ocular laser the giants can shoot from the eye at will.



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Earth Elemental, Low Caste

Low caste earth elemental

Since the coming of Deathwing the elemental planes have been increasingly unstable. The disruption of the dragon sent ripples throughout other worlds, causing an upset in the balance of things. Since then, elementals - particularly from the realm of earth - have been sneaking their way into Azeroth every day. Though small and weak in stature the elementals could one day soon turn from a pesky annoyance to a real threat worth dispatching troops after.

Earth Elemental, Warrior Caste

Warrior caste earth elemental

Unlike their lesser brethren, the warrior caste of the earth elementals stand to pose a significant threat to the stray and weary wanderers traveling throughout Northrend. While the continent lies in ruin, chaotic and in ruins, so does its people. They have had almost no time to recuperate and reorganize. As it stands the elementals prove to be just another hindrance - they are vicious, mindless, and their rough, rocky exterior is nearly impossible to crack.

Shimmerscale Naga

Shimmercale Naga

Long separated from other tribes, the Shimmerscale Naga are a tribe long since forgotten by time. They resided in the murky depths around and under Northrend, only recently having been disheveled by the Cataclysm.


All images in this article belong to Blizzard 100%. Each of these pictures are unused concept art from over the years that I've simply incorporated in this fan-made expansion and I do not take credit for them in any way, shape, or form.